American University Erupts Over Date Rape Column

Report here. Excerpt:

'Let's get this straight: any woman who heads to an EI [fraternity] party as an anonymous onlooker, drinks five cups of the jungle juice, and walks back to a boy's room with him is indicating that she wants sex, OK?" columnist Alex Knepper, 20, wrote in the Eagle, the school paper.

"To cry 'date rape' after you sober up the next morning and regret the incident is the equivalent of pulling a gun to someone's head and then later claiming that you didn't ever actually intend to pull the trigger," he said.

The column -- "Dealing With AU's Anti-Sex Brigade" -- sparked a backlash and nearly 300 online comments on the newspaper's Web site, chastising the Eagle for being "open-facedly offensive" and publishing a "slap in the face to so many women, and men, in our generation."
"Of course men have to behave themselves," he said. "These are freedoms women have fought for -- the same opportunities and ability to go into these sexual realms. But they have the same risk and responsibilities.

"There is a pattern of infantilizing women," he said. "If they have too much to drink and do something stupid, they still have to be responsible for their actions."'

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Actually the column and the reactions all contribute to the "infantilizing" of young women and the continued painting of men as dangerous rapists just waiting for their first chance to rape, Rape, RAPE!

I am so glad I am no longer in college. You can have it.

P.S. Is it me or is it pathetic that ABC News, which used to be respectable so many years ago, is now down to publishing stuff like this? I mean, lots of comments posted over an on-line college newspaper gets a mention on their web site?

No wonder their news ratings just keep going down. I wonder, just when does a news outlet stop being mainstream? Is it when they have such a low viewership (or readership) or is it because they do not reflect the typical point of view of society? Or both? Food for thought.

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A woman making a false accusation of a sexual assault is a rapist and should be treated as such.

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