MSN: The World's Best Country for Women is Sweden

Article here. Excerpt:

'In other words, Ebba is the perfect example of what the latest research shows: that Sweden is a country in which women truly thrive. In fact, a 2005 report by the World Economic Forum found this Scandinavian nation to be the world's "most advanced country" for women, with greater levels of equality, power, health, and well-being among women than anywhere else. (The survey ranked the U.S. an abysmal 17th place — one above Costa Rica.)
The goal of equality starts young: "Anti-Sexism Awareness Training" begins in kindergarten, where male toddlers are encouraged to play with dolls, and females with toy tractors. In school, classes in cooking, sewing, metalworking, and woodworking are compulsory for both sexes. All education, including college, is free, and girls routinely outperform boys; in 2005, women made up more than 60 percent of all Swedish college students. All this adds up to more flexible gender roles later: As one Swedish website puts it, "In our country, women drive the buses and men push the baby buggies."
In fact, most women in Sweden find it easy to meld femininity with feminist ideals. Carin Gablad, 49, is Stockholm's chief of police, in charge of fighting crime in the capital with a force of 4600 officers. "My approach is the opposite of macho," says the tall, blonde police boss. "I use psychology and negotiation in most cases, but I'm not afraid to use brute force."

But for all this, is Sweden really the ultimate female nirvana? With its high income tax, women take home an average of $22,000 per year, compared with $29,000 for American women. Yet prices in Sweden are up to four times higher: a drugstore lipstick costs $15, a pair of non designer jeans, $130. An evening out costs almost $150. For young women who like to have fun, it can be hard on the wallet. "I save all week for the weekends," says Anna-Maria Blomberg, 27, who works as a human resources assistant for a pharmaceutical company. "When I shop, I'm always trying to find ways to buy clothes on sale, so I can spend more on accessories like shoes and bags."'

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"The goal of equality starts young: "Anti-Sexism Awareness Training" begins in kindergarten, where male toddlers are encouraged to play with dolls...."

Of coarse, this anti sexism awareness is aimed only at boys. No wonder why boys don't want to attend college. As soon as they break free from this feminist concentration camp, they've had enough.


I wonder, will Sweden have a feminist initiative to lower the cost of lip stick?

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anthony the rest of the sentence you quoted was ", and females with toy tractors."

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Giving girls trucks is not enough for me to believe this education is equitable. Though I shouldn't assume, I suspect boys are demonized while girls are 'empowered'.

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The officer's says that using physical force as apposed to psychology and negotiation is a macho thing. This is suggestive that using psychology and negotiation is more feminine while aggression is more masculine. It should be easy for most people to see that negotiation (politics, business, speeches, generals) is something men are adept at. Negotiation means you try to "solve the problem". And it is also easy to see that a woman's aggression whether physical or verbal would also be problematic in a quick no fuss arrest.

Sentiments like hers makes me think that the men are demonized, and told that original sin belongs to men.

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If you look at current law enforcement training, the emphasis is a lot less on bashing heads and more on talking people down, if possible, from their "bad place" than it ever used to be, regardless of the sex of the recruits. I think this is because making arrests that require violence has more today than in the past led to accusations of abuse of authority, etc., and of course, to law suits. If an officer can say to a person wielding a knife that "we can do this the easy way or the hard way: put the knife down and it goes better for you and me both, or we can stand here while I call in 10 of my buddies to help me take you down-- your choice...", then that really is better than having to use tazer/mace, etc., and then deal with the press if it turns out the knife-wielder also happened to be some alderman's son (or daughter for that matter).

Another factor of course in the matter of the paragraph describing how many more female officers there are in the pipeline in Sweden than male is that the country may believe that suspects/offenders of either sex are less likely to *want* to fight with female officers, but possibly for different reasons in either case. Net result is the same: suspect is less likely to resist arrest if the officer(s) are female, certainly less likely to try to use deadly force as well. Still, I have no reason to believe that they believe that and I would be curious to see if someone credible has done any kind of study on the attitudes of suspects or convicts that were arrested in circumstances greater than the mere serving of a warrant or by simple information of arrest (eg: "Your under arrest, put your hands on the car..." and the suspect compiles without any resistance).

The issue MRAs may have here vis-a-vis this one matter (I am sure we have others as well that could be ID'd in this one story!) is about equitable access to opportunities. Is Sweden encouraging women to be police and discouraging men to do so based on their gynocentric ideological frenzy of feminist populism (say that 10 times fast), and if so, gee, doesn't that amount to systemic discrimination against men?

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"I use psychology and negotiation in most cases, but I'm not afraid to use brute force."

Gee, im pretty sure that's what the male cops do, but you don't see them implying that it's the doing of their genitals do you!

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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Yeah, it is actually sexist since they are still trying to influence the choices of young children. I would be much more impressed if they simply gave the kids their own choices of toys and let them play with the ones they chose no matter what toys they chose. The way it seems now is that they are barging in with their own set of values and wanting girls to play with trucks and boys with dolls. They are simply reversing the expectation rather than allowing each child their own choices.

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'With gender equality comes further dating awkwardness: By American standards, Swedish men are painfully slow to make the first romantic move. "Men treat women like friends," Anna-Maria says. "They rarely chat you up, unless they're drunk." Instead, Anna-Maria often does the asking herself. "Sure, I'd like to be chased, but men have grown lazy in Sweden. So I take the initiative. Though I have to say, it detracts from the sexual intrigue."'

"Men have grown lazy in Sweden."

I see. Sexual intrigue. Well, sorry that feminist visions of equality made manifest puts a dampener on your quest for a steamy and exciting romantic life, there, Anna-Maria, but the first rule of relationships, even ones you'll never have, is this: Ya take the good with the bad.

Well at least in the preceding paragraph, there was mention aboout Swedish women being "fanatical" about paying halfsies on dates. Well, "some justice" as they say.

Read the second-to-last para.:

'Some Swedish feminists have even more complaints. A new female-run political party, Feminist Initiative, was launched in 2005 on such platforms as abolishing marriage laws — thereby granting any two (or three, or four) people cohabiting the same rights as a husband and wife — and legally requiring fathers to take as much time off for child care as mothers. While the party was initially touted as "the way for women's future," its support plummeted after its convention several months ago, during which members sang a rowdy song about "chopping men to bits."'

Yeah, I guess even Swedish men would find that off-putting, despite all the time they've spent playing with dolls and little plastic teacups in their toddlerage. At some point, instincts of self-preservation have to kick in, though at this rate, I wouldn't put it past Swedish social engineers and psychologists to find some way to short-circuit it. God help the boys being born in Sweden today.

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This is a slightly outside the point post but might be a little informative. In the 90s I took a holiday in Norway. On the coaches I travelled on the couriers both males and female would amuse the passengers by telling the most offensive and derogatory jokes about the swedes. Really these where about the most crude and offensive sort of joke you could imagine mostly based on the idea that the Swedes are stupid.

Now none of this has to do with feminism. Norway is feminist also. But for sure the Norwegians hate the Swedes.

Since I am slightly off the point may be I could add this little nugget of information. Did you know that up until as recently as the 70s the Swedes had a policy of coerced sterilization for those they regarded as undesirable? It's not something they boast about but it shows their character for what it is.

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    While the party was initially touted as "the way for women's future," its support plummeted after its convention several months ago, during which members sang a rowdy song about "chopping men to bits."'

This is probably one of the MRM's greatest assets: Because of the size of the fem movement, the leadership cannot fully restrain their masses from revealing their true agenda.

We're in a chess game where we're a piece down. We have to play a perfect game to draw (equality), hoping that the fems blunder. Their leaders don't blunder, but their minions do all the time. Thank God for the meatballs.

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Maybe not so great for them though...

... unless all the hate crimes in question being done there are pretty much targeting men, in which case, well, it seems we would understand why it is as reported that the Swedish police don't seem to care.

Whenever any country bills itself as highly tolerant and progressive, you have to know something's up. After all, that's just too good a moniker for it to live up to. Someone has to be paying for such billing somehow. In the case of Sweden, it looks like it's men and Jews. But lest I stand corrected, the article also says women wearing the hijab are getting taunted and harassed by some people there as well. So do we add Muslim women to the list of those not getting a fair shake in the Land of Tolerance and Progressive Feminism as well?

My image of Sweden used to be that of a nice place to visit with relaxed people and plenty of turtlenecks, wine, hot tubs, and Abba playing in the background. I could dig that, man. And if I were not such a homebody I would have had it on a list of places to visit one day. But not anymore.

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That reminds me of my friend in the military. He met a bunch of guys from the Midwest whom he said were a great bunch of guys, just good and honest. He was surprised at how racist they were. I know that the political form of "tolerance" does not actually equate to being a good person.

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Funny how equality is always measured by what women have got. Dispite claims of equality in this country men still have to do National Service and women don't. Equality.... yeah right. Well at least there's progress , women there dont EXPECT men to pay for everything ,in fact go out of their way to pay. Pity they're not clamoring for conscription equality.

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