Tribunal to hear prostate screening complaint

Story here.

A human-rights tribunal will begin hearing a complaint today in Victoria against the provincial Ministry of Health that says the government discriminates against men by refusing to pay for prostate cancer screening tests on demand.

Victoria lawyer Laurie Armstrong is spearheading the case before the tribunal, arguing the province discriminates against him and other men on the basis of sex. Women do not have to pay for Pap smears or mammograms.

But men who want the early detection test, called the prostate specific antigen (PSA), have to pay $30.

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How much do you want to bet the tribunal sides with the government?

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No bets, I'll need the money for prostrate screening!

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I checked out the link provided in the post below, and well I don't want to change the subject, but
I went to look at a new potential roommate's place yesterday; and while there, the conversation came around to whether I had any chidren that would be living there. I replied "no"; later in the conversation, I mentioned to him that in a divorce in South Carolina, the woman essentially automatically gets the house (does anyone know if this is true? I used to live there, but I have no idea).
When I said that, the young single man gazed into the distance, and appeared to be quite scared. After all, he had just bought a house, which is why he was looking for a roommate. That was the desired effect, to scare him. Even though we are in Florida, he will still get the general idea, the core essence, that guys in this country are getting fucked over on a grand scale.

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