Cops: Woman's lie about rape led to lover's beating, sodomy

Story here (originally appeared on MANN here). Another classic case of getting someone else to do your dirty work by lying to them. "Outsourced sexual assault," courtesy of a vengeful ex-girlfriend. Of course it doesn't exonerate the two men involved, either. Let it be a warning to men who think that to take up the cause of a woman claiming an offense (and then acting without referring the matter to proper authorities) is a great way to find yourself behind bars along with her. Excerpt:

'Renada Williams told her alleged cohorts in crime that her lover had raped her and that she had come up with a horrific plan of revenge, which left one police veteran cold.

"This type of crime shocks your consciousness," said Capt. Jack McGinnis, of Northeast Detectives. "I've been doing this for 38 years and this is really bad. How can people treat each other like this, and how do you bring a 16-year-old into this?"

While Williams stood by in her Frankford home, her acquaintances, Shawn Aiken and the teen, allegedly beat her 29-year-old lover with their hands, a 4-by-4-foot wood plank, extension cords and a mop.

The perpetrators allegedly yelled at their victim, "You raped her!" He responded, "I didn't do that, I didn't do that."

But the pair believed Williams, and continued to punch the victim, McGinnis said.

The victim was then "violated with the mop stick repeatedly over time," undergoing nearly 24 hours of torture, according to the victim and police.
McGinnis said that police still don't know why Williams came up with the plan. She gave a rape motive to acquaintances, Aiken and the teen, but never told any friend that she had been raped, he said. She did not report it to Philadelphia police, he said.

The victim told police that he never raped her, but that the two had argued the week before.'

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We had a similar case in Minnesota. The woman convinced her friends that a mentally-challenged man had raped her. They tied him up in woods and beat him for several days. He survived, and the male friends are getting long sentences. Her sentence, not so long. A case of using bias and the idea that men are rapists and guilty until proven innocent, in order to motivate a criminal act. That is, bias against men.

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In the Minnesota case, the prosecutor, to his credit, tried to get her tried as an adult. The men were older, and got more than 5 years.

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Girl now headed for prison for eight years. She instigated beating of disabled man by accusing him of raping her.

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