ABC News: New Study Shows Boys Lagging Behind Girls in Reading

Article here. Excerpt:

'Girls are reading better than boys, according to a new study by the Center on Education Policy, and the pattern is giving girls a life-long advantage, experts tell ABC News.

Boys are lagging behind girls on standardized reading tests in all 50 states, the research suggests. In some states, the boys are trailing girls by as much as 10 percentage points.
So why the gap?

For reading, one theory points to differences between the brains of boys and girls. While girls' brains are more verbally oriented, often making reading skills easier for them, boys' brains are visually oriented.

Another theory is that boys are more physically restless than girls. Even recess time has been cut in some schools in the push for better achievement test scores.

"[Boys] can read, but they need to be moving around or they need to be doodling, they need to be doing something that's activating their brains," said Dr. Michael Gurian, a family therapist.

The problem extends beyond high school.

"There's a consistent pattern here that says boys are not learning how to read as well as girls," Jennings said. "They're dropping out of school at greater rates than girls. They're going to college at lower rates than girls, and they're getting their college degrees at lower rates than girls."'

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Even more newsworthy is that ABC News ran anything like this.

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ABC News running a boy-friendly story? Am I seeing things?



"What is popular is not always right, what is right is not always popular."

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The story also talked about how the gap has been growing, right?

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Now that they are starting to recognize it - they better do something about it.

I would not put much faith in the school system. They will probably come up with some wacky solutions like giving the boys a double dose of what is already not working.

In one school district in my state they came up with a great plan to raise reading skills in elementary school. They took away the morning recess and designated it as extra reading time. I wonder how that worked for the boys?

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