Female Prison Guards Often Behind Sex Misconduct

Story here. Excerpt:

'HELENA, Mont. — Inmate Michael Murphy usually started by seeking a small favor. That would often lead to a kiss or love letters. And in at least five cases, he convinced female prison employees to have sex with him or do other illegal favors.

In each of those cases, the female corrections employees were caught, shamed and forced out of a job, according to documents detailing an investigation by Montana prison officials and obtained by The Associated Press after an open-records lawsuit.

The female officers described Murphy as the aggressor, even as the predator. But that makes no difference in either state or federal penitentiaries, where prison employees — male or female — are the violators if they have sex with inmates.

A Justice Department study shows that cases like Murphy's are common: Female staff are more often implicated than their male counterparts in prison sexual misconduct. While many cases could be considered consensual, incarceration experts and female prison guards say the problem is much more complicated.
A 2007 U.S. Department of Justice study analyzing the prevalence of sexual assault in state and federal prisons found that 58 percent of staff perpetrators of sexual misconduct were female.'

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Look at the opening paragraphs... what the frack?? OK, so the guards have the guns when needed, otherwise billy-clubs or other "subject management devices", and of course, can get backup anytime. And THEY are the "victims"?

Good God, give me a break. I have an alternate interpretation: certain women, like certain men, are drawn to jobs where others are effectively at their mercy. These people get a huge kick out of exploiting positions of power to use others in any number of ways-- in this case, sexually. That's all there is to it.

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how women prison guards use their authority to sexually humiliate male inmates,e.g., random and unnecessary strip-searches, inviting females co-workers to enjoy their voyeurism and wise-cracking. Many men leave prison with an intense hatred of women for the arbitrary sexual indignities they're forced to endure at the hands of these women. And not just men, boys suffer the much the same, a situation that would make the evening news if it happened to a female.

The dalliances of these guards is just the tip of the iceberg of the sexual depravations.

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I love how they throw this little gym in:

"While many cases could be considered consensual, incarceration experts and female prison guards say the problem is much more complicated."

As if these inmates are in any position to say no. Their lives are completely controlled by these guards, who literally have the power to kill them. But this article tries to frame this situation as "consensual" sex. Legally inmates cannot give consent to have sex with guards for obvious reasons.

But god forbid if a man has sex with a enthusiastically willing 16 year old. Even if she's legally emancipated, living on her own, holding down a job, and he's not in a position of authority over her; like the previously mentioned guards. The media would crucify him as a pedophile rapist. Because she can't legally give consent.

Hypocrisy at it's finest.

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I almost choked on my burrito when I read the article painting the women involved in prison rapes as the victims of those all powerful evil inmates.

I mean who's got more power over their victim, a school teacher who would get crucified for sex with a student (if they were male), or a prison guard who can literally deprive the victim of ANYTHING up to and including their life at any time for virtually any reason?

How about informing the guards if the inmate is a good con-artist or manipulator so they are prepared for it when they encounter that inmate. It's not like the prisons don't know who they have locked in those cells, they know exactly what type of person is in each cell and they house inmates accordingly. So why would the staff not know the type of person they are dealing with? they are warned about the violent ones, why would they not be warned about the slick talkers to?

Wait, they are. You're right, the female guards who "let" themselves get involved with the inmates are doing it because THEY get a kick out of it. They are into it and they are the ones who must be expected to know and act better.

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