"Most often children die at hands of young men"

Article here. Excerpt:

'BANGOR, Maine — Fathers and father figures are most often the perpetrators of severe physical abuse of children, including cases that result in death, according to law enforcement and child abuse authorities in Maine.
Statistics maintained by the Maine Department of Public Safety show that 12 children have died as the result of homicide or manslaughter over the past five years. The numbers show that the youngest, the most vulnerable, are most at risk. Eight victims were under age 3, and most of the children died at the hands of a parent, stepparent or the partner of a parent, according to Stephen McCausland, spokesman for the Maine Department of Public Safety. Click here to see a list of Maine homicide victims under age 18 from 2005 to present.
One service that Ricci said he would like to see one day in Maine is long-term home visitation that would specifically target high-risk families. Ideally, the service would be provided until the child reaches school age before development problems from abuse and neglect have a chance to set in.'

Note that comments are disabled for this story. Contact info. for the paper is here.

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No wonder comments were disabled:

    In Maine and in the United States, the perpetrators of serious physical child abuse or homicide are most likely fathers, next are nonbiological father figures such as stepfathers or mothers’ boyfriends, and then sitters, Ricci said.

    Mothers are the fourth-most-likely perpetrators and “well down on the list,” he said.

They tell an outright lie, 180 degrees from the truth, a lie that can be disproved in 10 seconds by anyone with a computer, and don't allow rebuttal. THIS is what we're facing.

I'd bet half a paycheck that they also censor or "edit" letters to the paper.

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I said my piece... to a number of Bangors News staffers.

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The article starts off by saying that fathers (and father figures) are the most liklely suspects in the slaying of children. It then gives a list of the children who have been murdered in Maine since 2007. Out of that list, my count is that three fathers and two mothers are listed as having killed their children. A greater number of "boyfriends" or step-fathers were guilty but the article continues to lead with the idea that fathers are the main culprit even though the natural fathers and mothers are fairly equal in numbers. Very weak and misleading.

The national numbers usually show that natural fathers and mothers are close to being similar in murdering their children with mothers committing more murders of children under five. Where is that data in this ideological propaganda piece? Nowhere to be found.

Just more feminist misinformation.

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