F&F: NOW Fires Back at Fathers & Families over DSM Campaign

Article here. Excerpt:

'A group of 50 mental health experts from 10 countries are part of an effort to add Parental Alienation Disorder to the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM V), the American Psychiatric Association’s “bible” of diagnoses. This scientific coalition is led by psychiatrist William Bernet, who explains that adding PAD to DSM “would spur insurance coverage, stimulate more systematic research, lend credence to a charge of parental alienation in court, and raise the odds that children would get timely treatment.”

Fathers & Families wants to ensure that the DSM-5 Task Force is aware of the scope and severity of Parental Alienation. To this end, in December we asked our supporters to write the Task Force to urge them to consider including Parental Alienation Disorder in DSM-5. As usual, the response was overwhelming. It also helped lead to progress–while as expected the newly-released draft version does not specifically include Parental Alienation Disorder, the DSM-5 Task Force has now listed Parental Alienation Disorder among the "Conditions Proposed by Outside Sources... that are still under consideration by the work groups."
The National Organization for Women has learned about our efforts and is concerned about them. They have now sent out an Action Alert to counter our campaign.

While Simmons’ claims aren’t credible, there are legitimate questions to be asked about Parental Alienation Disorder, as there are with all mental health issues. We address many of these in Frequently Asked Questions about Parental Alienation and also summarize the scientific perspective in the Case for Including Parental Alienation Disorder in DSM V.

To participate in our campaign, click here.

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she did not even talk about the disorder it's self in the letter and merely called forth the fiery rage of the lesbian feminist army by saying men are attacking poor defenseless women. No refutation of fact at all.

Would any disorder "whose only symptoms are a uterus, divorce papers, and bruises.." make it into the consideration phase for entry into the DSM?

How can anyone take such groups seriously when they attack and slander the male gender as a whole in order to prevent reasonable discussion of issues?

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Wow!!! We're NOW big enough, noticed enough, important enough, to have our very own NOW backlash. That's progress - - - I think.

It appears, once again, the NOW feminists may have a reason to exist (at least in their own minds).

NOW's attempted "smackdown"/backlash will only drive more men into the MRA/FRA ranks, IMO.

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