"Living in a Feminist Male-Hating Matriarchy"

From Jeremy S, a heads-up to this 5-part production on YouTube:

"Living in a Feminist Male-Hating Matriarchy" - with Michael Beurke and featuring Melanie Phillps

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Bonus clip:
Misandry-Men Don't Exist?

This is really good. Of course I have reservations with, in some ways, the matter is approached, but that is to be expected. All of us will have varying opinions. But overall, this is a fantastic little series.

And I want to stress the importance of watching the "Bonus clip". It is worth the price of admission all by itself. If you forward a YT clip URL re misandry, etc. to anyone, this is the one to use. Major props to 'manwomanmyth'.

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Well, of course. :)

The producer makes men out to be incapable of influencing their own roles and deciding collectively and individually what they choose to be, all this due to the forces of social change (or, pick a word if you don't like that one). The matter it seems is approached from the point of view of this, esp. at the end: what should women *allow* men to be now that men have been, through the awesome power of women and misandry, reduced to? In short, what do "we" do with all these men now that they seem so utterly... useless... or something...

In these and similar documentaries about male social role decline, again, the approach is too much from that of the sociologist's POV and less from the personal POV. Feminism is all about (or started out, anyway) women being *personally empowered* to decide for themselves what they wanted to do and be. Using The State as a Big Daddy Bully to get their way only sped things up, but make no mistake, without individual women deciding they wanted to do or be this or that, it would not have happened. Giving a crap about what others wanted or expected of you was out. That is how they could indeed succeed at doing the many things they succeeded at doing.

I think men need to take a lesson. Men as individuals and as a group need to stop giving a rat's a$$ what others think of them re their masculinity, gender roles, etc. A man should take the same approach that women have quite clearly taken-- we no care what you want from us, we are going to live as we will. We make our own decisions about how we live. Don't like it? Kiss off.

In short, male empowerment. That's what's really needed. Otherwise documentaries like this one, despite their very germane observations, will leave men thinking they are stuck in the kind of downward rut-spiral that is outlined therein, with all their personal power given away to some giant, nebulous, all-powerful Woman-Goddess floating around in space someplace. Men, it's only true if you let it be that way.

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In short, male empowerment. That's what's really needed.

Follow a rabbit hole with me Matt.

What happens to our society when we stop programing boys/young men to be the soldiers to defend our borders? When we stop telling men that they need to go out and earn a living doing "productive work" rather than just the part-time-job, apartment, and xbox? What happens when we head towards a society where almost nothing matters, and therefore people do next to nothing?

"Male empowerment" is suicide on a social level.

On the other hand, "Female empowerment" is still suicide... it just takes longer.

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... but fair is fair. You won't hold up your end, we won't hold up ours, like a contract. If society is going to fall apart anyway, better men not be left holding the bag.

As it is now, the typical man is still living in a 1950s world of obligation and self-sacrifice aimed at taking care of women. But the typical woman? You get the idea.

I just think a lot of men would be a lot happier if they just caught up some in this arena.

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And I hope that this video becomes one of the most viewed videos on youtube.

I am going to send the link to all my friends.

That is a great video.

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Would you ever want to go back to that contract? I agree that a major problem is that we as a society have modern views when it helps women and traditional views also... when it helps women. But men have not had the ball in their court long before the recent feminist movements. In the west men have long needed to romantically impress women, minimize male bonding, and rarely complain about their own problems. That contract left men with such a weakness and is largely why we have been slow to advocate for ourselves. One such example that embodies this is "the women's petition against coffee 1674". At that time the coffee shop was a place for men to talk about politics, business, and review novels. The petition came from wives who complained that their husbands were spending too much time and money there and added that it made them impotent... the petition said the men should go back to drinking alcohol again in order to be real men. Supposedly the petition did not work but mens place is once again the bar.
In a somewhat ironic sense our most "ideal" men; football players, marines, the ancient warlike Celts and intellectual the Greeks have had strong male bonding which is also discouraged in this society. I think when maleness can be attached more so to male bonds will you see more advocacy for men. But maybe the I don't care about manliness needs to play a part too.

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