Rape is a Male-Only offense in Israeli Criminal Law

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women cannot be rapists. This is not only a feminist agenda, but a hard legal fact in the Israeli Criminal Law, which defines rape as a male-only offense. Say a 40 years old woman who works as a school teacher, seduces a 13 years old pupil, it might be impossible to file criminal charges against her. She might lose her job, but legally there is no much you can do about it.

Israeli legislators now wants to change the rape definition in the Israeli Criminal Law so that it includes women as well. Feminists has already launched a very noisy campaign in the Israeli media, opposing the proposed changes to Israeli Criminal Law.

Their arguments are silly and stupid as always. Israeli feminists claim that making it possible to file rape charges against women might lead to situations where "Male rapists will accuse the women of being the rapists". As always, the Israeli media is at the feminist side, and we only need to wait and see whether the proposed law change will pass or be buried in the parliament.'

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It's hard to watch this video. Disgusting, double standardized, and just plain ridiculous. I suggest you send this to every one you know:

Pass It On

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Five years down the road, after this change in the law has been defeated, feminists will claim not to have had anything to do with it. The same way, for example, they claim not to have had anything to do with the rise of no-fault divorce. So many feminist misdeeds have been conducted in backrooms, on the QT, and through 2nd- and 3rd-party intermediaries, that they become hard to pin down. I'll bet the Brady Law, e.g., was the result of feminist lobbying. No way I could prove it.

The MRM needs a Smoking Gun Archive that definitively ties feminism to their part in the anti-male aggression both past and present (and planned for the future).

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Hmm, so men are only worth having around if they buy nice things for their spouses? Why do women never end up in the "dog house"? Oh, right because women are ALWAYS right and NEVER make mistakes.

Why is this JC Penney commercial 3 minutes in length? They surely wouldn't have broadcast it during regular television hours. Was it broadcast during the Superbowl?

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I thought the Israelis were supposed to be so progressive?

Sounds like the same old same old misandric horsesh*t!

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It's complicated. Israeli culture is an impossible mixture of old and new - traditional and renewing.
Israeli Feminists make the best of all worlds. Israeli Feminists are the craziest type of all feminists in the western world. Take the regular Men-Hating, and add to that the historical anger about Jewish men not being to protected Jewish women durinf world war II, and the disrespect they feel for Israeli men as a result.

Visit MenRightsIsrael, English Blog about Feminism and Men Rights in Israel!

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"historical anger about Jewish men not being to protected Jewish women during world war II,and the disrespect they feel for Israeli men as a result"

Those selfish male bastards! Spending their time being exterminated instead of helping The Important Sex! I dont know how those jewish blokes slept at night...

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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In India a man can't charge a female for rape. Now this is what the sexist Indian Govt calls the equality of sexes!

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I can understand that children can be given a chance, but females? No way!

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