The Reid Rant: Let the Outrage Begin!

From MANN reader Ed:

Yesterday, Sen. Reid stated on the Senate floor, “Men don't have jobs. Women don't have jobs either, but women aren't abusive, most of the time. Men when they're out of work tend to become abusive."

So today, we are calling for a BLIZZARD of complaints to Sen. Reid’s office, demanding he apologize for his sexist remark. Here’s the contact info:

Telephone: 1-202-224-3542
Fax: 1-202-224-7327



Contact: Trudy Schuett
Groups Demand Sen. Harry Reid Apologize for Sexist Remarks

WASHINGTON, Feb. 23 / U.S. Newswire / -- Groups are calling for Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada to apologize for sexist remarks made yesterday, according to Men’s News Daily. Reid’s comments served to stereotype men as “abusive,” while ignoring the well-established scientific fact that men and women in partner relationships are equally likely to be violent.

Reid’s remarks on the Senate floor can be seen here:

Over 250 scholarly studies show women are as physically aggressive, or more aggressive, than men in their relationships with their male partners, according to Martin Fiebert, professor of psychology at California State University.

“Senator Reid's bizarre and unfounded statement reveals an unimaginable disconnect from the millions of unemployed Americans who are not abusive. These persons are understandably frightened about their futures and the security of their families,” notes Paul Elam, editor-in-chief of “Mr. Reid needs to apologize immediately.”

Numerous political leaders have highlighted the existence of male victims of domestic violence:

-- “Domestic violence touches the lives of Americans of all ages, leaving a devastating impact on women, men, and children of every background and circumstance.” -- President Barack Obama

-- “Domestic violence cuts across all races, all income brackets, all levels of education – and both sexes.” -- Connecticut Governor M. Jodi Rell

-- “When we think of domestic violence, we think of the women as being the victims. But it’s also men victimized as well.” -- Rep. Judy Biggert (R-IL)

The “Abusegate, Investigate!” campaign is requesting the government launch a probe into the widespread fraudulent and illegal practices of the domestic violence industry:

Many believe current domestic violence laws unduly infringe on Americans’ civil liberties. The Washington Civil Rights Council has termed domestic violence programs the “biggest civil rights roll-back since [the] Jim Crow era.”

The following 16 groups are demanding that Sen. Reid issue an apology for his sexist statement: African-Americans for VAWA Reform, CPF/Fatherhood Coalition, Dads and Moms of Michigan, Fathers' and Children's Equality, Fathers for Equal Rights of America, Illinois Fathers, Men and Fathers for Justice, Men’s Equality Conference, National Organization for Men, National Congress for Fathers & Children of New Hampshire, Petition for Child Support Reform, Shared Parenting Works, TABS (Taking Action against Bias in the System), Utah Father’s Rights Meetup Group, Washington Domestic Violence Press, and the Washington Civil Rights Council.

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for what it's worth.

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I sent my message to Senator Reid.

How about everyone else?

Members of Congress need to know there's a political price to pay for man-bashing.

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I sent a long, but polite email.

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