Barbara Kay Defends Men Again

National Post columnist, Barbara Kay, writes about how men are still being made to feel guilty over Mark Lepine's school shooting 17 years ago that killed 16 women. She states, "From this human tragedy of no inherent political significance, a political industry emerged, which produced in the massacre's name: gun control laws, lavish public spending on women's causes, feminist-guided school curricula and a high tolerance for overt misandry."

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Is that he was trying to enter engineering school at the same time that quota systems were making it extremely difficult for white straight males to get in.

I was told, at around the same time (sotto voce during the interview for medical school), that unless I was female, gay or Jewish not to bother attending medical school, because of cutbacks and quota systems there were like five spots left and three were being offered to sons of existing doctors (the union protects his own).

In essence, Lepine couldn't go to school to get a good job, and women were scorning his minimum wage self. So he took it personally, and insultingly. No you can't have a good job, and no, you aren't any worth unless you do have a good job.

Somehow his rant about how he couldn't get into engineering school because of female recruitment goals was translated into a literal hatred of women.

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Somehow his rant about how he couldn't get into engineering school because of female recruitment goals was translated into a literal hatred of women.

Its truly sad, but its a foregone conclusion that if you don't like women's boots all the time, or say something that can even remotely be thought of as attributing ANY blame to them, it is misogyny.

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Man commits crime = man is bad

There is no other explanation necessary in our man hating culture. If we ask why we run the risk of awarding human characteristics to the monster which is forbidden.

This particular case just happened to have convenient facts that were easy to politicize and profit from and the politisons, police, victim/women's groups latched on to it for their own personal gain.

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