UK: Can love survive when a woman earns more than a man?
Article here. Excerpt:
"Recent figures from a large-scale government study show the number of 'breadwinner wives' - women in partnerships who earn more than their men - has soared to 19 per cent, with another 25 per cent earning the same amount as their menfolk.
Nikki Owen, 49, typifies this new breed of high-earning women.
A director of her own international personal development company, she comes from a well-off professional background and was brought up to believe there were no limits to what she could achieve.
Nikki first began dating her fiance Mark, 50, a customer services manager, when they were both in their teens.
But, she says, 'he dumped me because he was intimidated by my ambition'. Four years ago, both single again, they were reintroduced through friends.
In the intervening years, Nikki fast-tracked her way up the career ladder, ending up as head of her own firm 'with a huge house in Sevenoaks, a flash convertible Audi and a wardrobe full of designer labels'.
She now earns as much as five times what Mark does, with the potential to increase that even more over the coming years.
'When I recently landed a £60,000 contract, Mark's initial reaction was: "You've just earned in a month what I earn in a year!"' she says.
Marks says: 'I have to admit that if we hadn't already fallen in love and been very close after we met again, I would probably have struggled with the relationship because of her earning power.'
We should celebrate our achievements as women, which have been so enormous and rapid that they amount to a revolution.
But it's a very incomplete revolution - and it's time the rest of our lives caught up with our achievements at work.
If the past 40 years have been all about women entering the workforce and boosting the economy, the next 40 will be spent dealing with the social, personal and family consequences.
And that may be the hardest part of all."
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I don't see a problem
Pretty much torpedoes the feminist mantra that "women earn less than men". Even before this study though the .70/1.00 ratio was a deeply flawed figure and was shown debunked on numerous occasions.
I do wonder why any man in this day and age would think that a woman who outearns him would be a problem for him in any sense though. Take some of these more extreme examples wherein a woman is making 5x her husband is. If they land in divorce court later (as we know, a >50% chance), what stand can she take re saying she was "dependent" on him in any way shape or form? Really, what is there to complain about?
Re dating: If she can now afford all kinds of stuff, let her pay for the dates. There can be no more excuse, really, for women anymore. If she isn't willing to be the buyer at dinners, etc., then the man should leave her - same way women have been doing it for years.
And given the male unemployment rate fast exceeding that of the female, I really don't see much way around the change in protocol around who "pays for the date". I mean, how can a man pay for a date when he is unemployed? It is so preposterous to suggest a man collecting unemployment (maybe) at $15,000/yr. be able to pay for a date with a woman making $80,000 (plus bonuses) in a finance job as to be beyond the ken, as they say. Still, a woman may decide that unless a man can pay for the date (ie, even be at around 70% of what she makes), then maybe he is in her tier of potential mates. At the rate things are going though, this can't last much longer. Eventually if a woman wants to date (men, anyway), she will be "forced" to accept that any given available man she may eye across the room probably makes half or less what she does (since alas, "all the good ones are taken by now") and she will have to pick up the tab if she is to dine anyplace with him other than McDonald's.
I am fine with this "sea change" in this aspect, really, but only insofar as it is will force women on dates to start paying at least their own half of the tab if not now (*gasp*) start picking up the entire check. Some men seem to be uncomfortable with it but maybe they just need a dose of MRA 101. I certainly do not like the idea that between the western economic meltdown we are currently in -- and make no mistake, this is a depression -- and the unbridled "gendered approach" western gov'ts are taking to job creation, men are left un- and under-employed, and thus also un- and under-earning. But it may well be the only way to get women to start paying up, though.
It strikes me that the tone of this article expresses more female discomfort with the role-reversal. And I can imagine why: Now you, ladies, have to pick up the check, or your new love interest will take a hike. I do think that is what scares you the most-- to be in the man's position. You are fine with being in that position in the workplace but when it is in the private sphere, you want to be... paid for... don't you?
On the surface, I don't see the problem either..
Yeah, I don't really see the problem here either - on the surface.
However, I get the feeling that the man is still saddled with the financial obligations, whereas her financial "obligations" are merely choices or simply optional.
Additionally, I STRONGLY doubt this is simply a case where the man just doesn't like having a woman earn more than him. There's much more to the story where the woman may revel in her accomplishments with a subtle "ha, ha, ha. See there! Hear me roar!" attitude. And, when around her girlfriends, they, as a group, mock him and look at him with disdain to the point where he feels he no longer fits in or has a place.
I personally have heard of such girlfriends tell a high-earning woman to "dump his lazy *ss," in spite of the fact that he is working. So, what does that tell you? Want to be the man in that position? A man, no matter how tough and confident, is only going to take so much sneering and contempt.
So he should "dump" her
Agreed. Only so much he can (or should) take, which is to say, he should take none of it. Such a woman once revealed, he should say good-bye to her immediately. This way he will not be a man in that position.
Sure it can!
"Can love survive when a woman earns more than a man?"
Sure, as long as she gives me half her paycheck at the end of the month! Sorry, i was channeling a woman for a moment there.
Rise, Rebel, Resist.
women earning more
My two sisters and I all bring in more money than our spouses. Our husbands aren't complaining and everyone seems to have a happy marriage. Although the lines are getting blurred as one spouse's money may have been spent for investments/employment of the other spouse, etc. (for example we rent out my previous home, but my husband does all the physical labor on the property)
But myself and my sisters have each elected to stay home for a period of time for reasons relating to pregnancy and children. I quit my job as a nurse as I prefer to stay home with my kids and homeschool; but I do work part time from my home. If my husband gets laid off (a possibilty) I will go back to work and he will stay home.
My sister is expecting her second child, so she currently is not working (she is a nurse like me), but when the baby is 6 months old she is planning to go back to work full time, and her husband will quit his job and stay home and take care of the kids because she has more earning potential and they both prefer this arrangement. (this is the same sister that met her husband in the hot tub at the health club as discussed in another thread).
Most of the women in my immediate and extended family have looked for men that are good husbands and fathers rather than high incomes and tend to marry young, so not a lot of time spent in the clubs or the dating scene. There are very few divorces in my family.
I do not see women having higher incomes as a problem for relationships, but what is troubling is the fact that it is usually due to higher education levels of women compared to men (more women with college degrees). The whole education system including college is failing boys, and the 'boys and education' issue is what keeps me connected to this group.