RADAR ALERT: Psychology Today Praises Murder of David Harris

Fathers & Families has written an excellent protest letter to Psychology Today.

RADAR asks that you add your signature to the letter and send it to Psychology Today. Please click here and fill out the form.

Thank you.

Date of RADAR Release: February 10, 2010

R.A.D.A.R. – Respecting Accuracy in Domestic Abuse Reporting – is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of men and women working to improve the effectiveness of our nation's approach to solving domestic violence. http://mediaradar.org/

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Can anyone provide a link to the article in "Psychology Today" that we are being asked to protest?

Last time this story was posted I could only find a blog entry in PT titled "Revenge is Sweet" that was written by Regina Barreca who is the same author that wrote a book titled "Sweet Revenge". From what I can tell it is her book that makes a refernce to the David Harris murder, but not the specific blog entry published in "Psychology Today"

After reading her bog entry, I have determined that the lady is a kook and I believe her advise about revenge would be the opposite of what any good psychologist would advise. I also am irritated that any of her writings would glorify a murder (although I have not read the book, so I am trusting others that indicate that it does).

But still I would like to read the full article before I sign a letter of protest because what I read was poor advise and kooky, but it did not praise (or even mention) anyone's murder.

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