Mother commits suicide by traffic and takes son with her, called tragic mystery

Excerpt: "Andrea Johnson had just finished university, escaped the confines of a women's shelter and got her own apartment in April.

Though there were signs she was depressed, no one seemed to realize the pain the 30-year-old was living with — pain that would cause her to throw herself and her 2-year-old child from an overpass on to Highway 401."

This has been national headlines and front page news for days now in Canada. All coverage takes a similar tone - tragic that this poor woman has died and gushing with praise about what a wonderful person she was.

I just find it strange that when a father does this the articles are never quite as favorable.

Read the Toronto Star's latest on this story here.

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Yes, it is truly amazing. Man kills his children in London last summer, then commits suicide and everybody is up in arms about how violent men are and how his ex- must have been abused by this hideous creature. Woman kills her child in Toronto and everybody is shocked and appalled at how society let her down. Interestingly enough very little press was given to the fact that it was not HER child, but that the child had a living father. She killed the child for the same reason any parent does. TO DEPRIVE THE OTHER PARENT OF THE CHILD! She wasn't married, she regarded the child as her sole property and decided that if she was going to kill herself, that the father of the child was not going to get the boy. Psychotic vindicative selfishness at play and nothing more.

In the U.S. husbands have been arrested and charged with criminal offences when their wives kill their children and they fail to stop them. Wonder if this woman's boyfriend and father of the child will also be charged? Maybe. Luckily he is a criminal lawyer and should be able to defend himself if the Toronto police latch on to a hairbrained idea like that.

Just ask yourself, how many women have been caught killing their children and/or spouses/boyfriends this year? PLENTY! It is an epidemic this year alone! Every day it seems another women are committing the ulitmate act of domestic violence, yet government money continues to poor into women's shelters and funding for other female chauvinist programs. Will the insanity of this double standard never end? Will society ever acknowledge that women are inherently violent? Will society ever do something to protect men and children from these psychotic, abusive and violent women? Not likely in my lifetime.

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