US Targets Global Violence Against Women - Men noticably absent
Article here. Once again the media/govt male hate campaign rolls on. Shouldn't it be "violence against anybody"? Excerpt:
'US politicians have called for a $US175 million aid package to combat violence against women and girls in poorer countries such as Haiti and Afghanistan.
"Every day, too many women and girls across the globe endure horrific acts of violence," said Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer, who is backing a Bill that would make preventing violence against women central to US foreign policy.
"They are disfigured by acid, raped and beaten, or they are denied the opportunity to see a doctor."
Another supporter, Democratic Representative Bill Delahunt, said: "The nations with the worst track record in preventing violence against women are also the most unstable and are breeding grounds for terrorism."
The Bill, which enjoys cross-party support, calls for $US175 million ($A202 million) over five years to go towards developing programs to combat violence against women in as many as 20 low-income countries.'
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Thread Jack
Anyone know why comments have been shut down at glenn sacks?
Violence starts with women...
Women will be safe from violence when they stop killing, neglecting and abusing their children. More children die per year from child abuse and neglect than all the women killed by intimate partner violence. Barbara Boxer should start where the violence really starts - her own sex. Why is this lying hypocrite still in elected office?
Fatalities, Child Maltreatment 2005
@badgerb--re: thread jack
Don't know. Hope it's a glitch and not a change in policy. Not permitting comments would shut a lot of activism down.
they're upgrading
Quote: Anyone know why
Anyone know why comments have been shut down at glenn sacks?
Yeah, I want to know about this, too. Hmmmm.
I wouldn't be too surprised that some nasty feminist bile found its way there.
It isn't a surprise
Give them ten years and there won't be a place in the globe that isn't using the old divide and conquer ploy at the basest level, that of the relationship between men and women. By so doing they have infected the majority of the children, subjugated most of the men, and brainwashed most of the women into selling out their humanity, and their own womanhood. I see they always have our money to spend to help enslave us. Our money.
David A. DeLong
Part Of The War On Terror!
Notice how Bill Delahunt tries to attach this to the war on terror - precisely what the connection is he doesn't mention! Hell, i would be inclined to think that if you can be violent in your own country you're less likely to be violent overseas, not more!
Rise, Rebel, Resist.
thanks for the info I was
thanks for the info I was worried about the ramifications of that and I did not see any postings as to why. Thanks again.
Uh huh
I'm sure violence in other countries is like violence in this one, where men are 1.5 to 2 times more likely to be a victim of a violent crime.
Thanks for that link on child fatalies by mommy, too.
Open Your Eyes by Jay Hammers
Thread Jack No. V
It seems that the comment section at GlennSacks.com will no longer exist. They claim not to have time to properly moderate it and don't want to leave it to the mercy of the occasional crazies. What they don't seem to realize is that the comments section is F&F's primary link to grassroots activism. So once again the F/MRM makes a tactical blunder just as it begins to grow. We take to so many steps forward and backwards that sometimes it seems like we're doing the cha cha.
Sacks loses plot.
I agree with others, shutting down comments at Sacks is incredibly self destructive. Don't Sacks and Franklin realize that the comments make for a level of emotional involvement that helps to spur people into doing rather than just reading? When i was still commenting at his site there were quite a few times when seeing that others had emailed some bastard spurred me into doing likewise. Also, because the hosts have to watch their words, the commenters often do a better job of stirring up the anger and outrage that keep so many of us going!
Rise, Rebel, Resist.
I sent them my opinion through their letters to the editor page.
I am extremely disappointed. No offense to Mens Activism but one
doubts that this site gets the same traffic as Saks site and I left
mens news daily due to its extremist views. While there is a undertone of anger I
thought the Saks website better represented my views and did it
respectfully and the activism was not an extremist one. I would have gladly volunteered
to moderate but it seems that option was never given and a unilateral decision was
made based on what their advertisers would think. Shame, I believe this sets back the cause years.
I read the blog recently and found that I had no more emotional investment in it than in reading a newsletter. Seems that Mr.(s) Sacks and Franklin, operating at the legislative level, no longer feel the need for the "Sackson Hordes" and other assorted rabble as they take on the Big Girls. Unfortunately, they may just find themselves generals without an army.
Money and lobbyists are great, but what really gives a movement its impetus is the number of boots on the ground (or on the Net, whatever the case may be). When Obama took office, he was greeted by 50,000 e-mails from feminists! No lobbyist on earth can alone pull that kind of weight. If anything, F&F should've been looking for ways to get us more involved, to recruit even more members, to make the message even more viral.
I'm skunked. I don't know why I'm even typing this...
Badgerb Re volunteering
"I would have gladly volunteered
to moderate but it seems that option was never given"
Maybe you should send them an email suggesting just that. About a year ago, at a time when i was a daily commenter, Glenn asked me if i wanted to volunteer to moderate. At the time i thought he was being snarky as we were having a slight tiff over his chivalrous ways, but now i wonder if he was being serious? So maybe if you've commented often enough for him to trust you it might be worth asking him if you can volunteer.
Rise, Rebel, Resist.
Good Idea
Good idea Michael I will do do today.
I will let you know of any response.