"Daily Show" contact page

Regarding the recent MANN post revealing Jon Stewart's latest salvo against his own sex: I forgot to include the comment submission link for it.

This piece of "comedy" is so insulting to men in general, MRAs, and men in mythopoetic circles, it's as if they decided to just take on everything pro-male all at once and make fun of and diminish it as much as possible within the short attention span of the typical viewer. I have a hard time thinking of any group that would be the target of such open tastelessness and crude meanness transmitted over cable TV in prime time to a wide viewing audience in this day and age.

I ask feminists this: If men as a class are as respected and damn-near worshiped as you insist we are, would a truly "patriarchal society" even be able to produce such a piece of "humor"? Can you imagine such "humor" being created about feminism or about women? Can you even suggest there is a "patriarchal society" in place that so favors men and so derides women given this sort of thing that you see?

Just what kind of energy and double-think do feminists need to use to keep up their self-delusions and to maintain the lies they tell themselves? Truly, it is mind-boggling.

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I've seen lots of mockery doled out to groups who dare stand up for themselves when suffering mistreatment, but this took the cake. Just watching that misandrist clip made my jaw drop. The only group that thinks it's humorous are women and feminized men. If they took to making a mockery of any other groups, say women's equal treatment crusades of days yonder, do you think we would be laughing?

Did the "Daily Show" staff actually know the horror stories each of these men had experienced? Likely, they weren't interested in hearing them, being blinded by the allusion that the so-called "patriarchal society" could not possibly suffer any maltreatment. Instead, they assumed that because some men are extremely wealthy, successful, and live relatively peaceful lives, that must mean there are no men suffering any injustice. What bigoted and myopic thinking.

What I got from the clip is this: That 80% of homeless being men is funny; suicide rates among men being 3 to 6 times that of women (depending on demographic) is funny; men receiving tiny fractions of health care funds (relative to women) although they die from cancer and other ailments in equivalent numbers, is funny; men having their livelihoods, jobs, houses, and children ripped away from them merely on the say so of a woman is funny, with no repercussions for the false accuser; suffering sexual abuse as a child at the hands of a female predator is funny, and being expected to pay child support to that very same abuser or risk a prison term is funny; or being expected to pay child support to a mother who murdered one of your children, again at the risk of being sent to prison, is funny, etc. They did a tremendous disservice to humanity as a whole. But, alas, I'm "preaching" to the choir here. :-P

I'm convinced that such people/agencies/media groups are incredibly naive and misinformed about what is really going on, and damn lucky that such adversarial circumstances have not hit them, yet. Sadly, that newfound awareness won't be until they personally experience that which many have already been "crying" about for the last several decades. Only, then it will be too late, as they come to grips with the fact they made a mockery of the very support they would be pleading for.


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Mostly because such sawdust-heads wouldn't be able to comprehend anything more complex...

"Regarding Samantha Bee's attack on men in a recent episode - the entire thing was grossly offensive and, needless to say, i will never watch said show again.

Please get stuffed."

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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I have been trying to register in order to leave a comment about this crappy programming but have been unable to validate my email in order to leave the comment. Anyone have any hints on how to get registered? They send an email with a link to validate your email address and the link they provide pulls a 404 error. POS web site indeed.

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