Apple's iPad sales blamed on - lack of women on its board

Yes, indeed. Because of the name "iPad", the implication is that it is unappealing to women because the name sounds too much like "MaxiPad" or some other kind of similar type of pad. (I recall MAD TV running with the "iPad" idea back in 2006, noting as they did that a legal pad should not be confused with the other kind of pad. The video is here but I will say it is for adult viewing only; there are reasons MAD TV airs late at night on week-ends only. Also some of you will find it offensive regardless of your age, so don't say I didn't warn you.)

Believe it or not, one Susan Estrich has actually put the lackluster debut of the Apple iPad together with this very idea to implicate Apple's failure to come up with a product that appeals to the typical female consumer (or it seems to the typical male one too, according to reports). The solution she says is to get rid of some of those men on the Apple Board (she also notes they all seem to be white), and to replace them with people other than those fitting that genderal-ethnic description. THAT will guarantee the success of a company such as Apple, which as many of us know has been in business over 30 years and has been a leader in the bringing of computers to the home and workplace.

One bad product-marketing approach (and it wouldn't be the first time - both large personal computer/operating system vendors, Apple and Microsoft, have had real flops in their histories) and it means that a shakeup of the Board is necessary to make sure that success for Apple can be guaranteed - and the way this will happen is to relieve one or more members of the Board of their positions due to their ethnicity and sex and replace them with a person or people of another ethnicity and/or sex. (And you know what, I think it's too early to call the iPad a flop. If anything if it fails to sell it will be because the iPod is competing too well with it. Either way, Apple is making money.)

Yeah, that'll fix whatever problems they may have.

Some others have comments on Ms. Estrich's column as well, critical: here and supportive: here.

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Struck me... feminists seem to target only companies already successful due to the efforts and direction from Boards of Directors that just happen to be populated by men (and white ones at that).

What about the many Boards populated by men (and white ones at that) for companies that are not doing well. They are legion. But for some reason, feminists show little or no interest in them.

I mean, couldn't THEY use that critical female POV input the most???

It's really all about money, isn't it? The usual system: men build up wealth or bring back the kill, then women move in to lay a claim to it. Not much has changed since 20,000 BC, has it? Tell me, can anyone name JUST ONE Fortune 500 company that has been built from the ground up by women like it has by men? Any collection of solely female entrepreneurs who put their entire lives into building a successful corporation with an all-female Bd of Directors that exists? Not one. [I really don't like making generalizations based on sex (though I will happily do when referring to ideologies, such as feminism, since *anyone* can be a feminist). It is just very very hard to see much in the way of counter-examples. It seems utterly acceptable for women as a class to lay claim to what men have created or produced but utterly unacceptable to do things the other way around (see your typical prenuptial agreement or contested will case). Undoubtedly some will dispute that; let them, it's their right to do so. But I sees what I sees, as they say.]

Here's the game plan: Feminists wait to see who the (male) winners are, then move in to use the legal system to steal it from the men who built it. They then lobby to place unqualified candidates onto the Board who are instruments of their agendas, whatever they happen to be - but money has a way of changing their starting agendas, I have noticed - a lot changes after the candidate is seated and starts realizing what is actually in this for her personally.

If this is not what is going on then tell me, what is? It's what I am seeing.

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Your analysis is spot on.

A great example of how little fundamental change has occurred over the centuries; the tactics have just become more sophisticated. Females observing and identifying the most competent men and then using shame or humiliation to get the benefits.

Feminists claim to stand for equality, but I like to make conclusions based on actions rather than words. Based on their actions I conclude that they stand for an upgraded, institutionalized version of chivalry.

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This is disingenuous, because some of the women at the company actually use notepads in lieu of cotexes.
And the pads are the company's property to boot.

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Please put the crack pipe down.

Use a paper notepad in lieu of a Kotex pad? Have you ever tried to wipe up a spill with a paper notepad or tried wearing one in a thong? I don't believe any woman has ever told you this. I hope you are joking.

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Is anyone surprised that Estrich failed to attribute Apples runaway success with the Iphone and the revival of the companies computer business to the same male leadership?

If she's going to be sexist, by judging the board by their gender rather then their business competence; then, she might as well be consistent.

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Kris, okay, then how about a wad of Downey towels taped together - the quicker-soaker-upper?


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Much better, thank you : )

But I don't know of any restrooms that are stalked with Downey paper towels. Most women make a "poor [wo]man's tampon" by wadding up toilet paper.

BTW- If a girl frequently stuffs a wad of toilet paper between her legs instead of a tampon it is a sign she is an addict. Addicts never have money for basic necessities such as hygiene products and they can't plan ahead even though they know it is coming every month.

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