The faces of men denied food in Haiti

Via Marc A.: To major charities like CARE and UNICEF, these men are potential criminals because they're men who might not feed their families. Never mind that many of them, if not most of them, risk their lives every day to feed their families and to rescue people in the disaster. See also: Haitian Men Told to Stay Away From Food Lines. Men are asking "What about me? I didn't get anything. I need food."

Culprits reportedly include: World Food Programme, Samaritan's Purse, Catholic Relief Services, CARE, World Vision, ACTED, Save The Children, GOAL, and ADRA

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... it goes like this: the fastest way to make an otherwise docile crowd of people (regardless of sex) go from being docile to not-so-docile to being outright riotously violent is to deny them food.

Do these "gendered approach" people realize they are taking a largely manageable situation and setting the stage for turning it into a gasoline-fed blaze? Maybe that is what they want to do so they can paint all these evil awful men down there as bad and so get the Big Brother of the US State Dept (run of course by you-know-who) to authorize a military intervention.

Does this sound to you guys like I am off in tinfoil hat-land or does this sound like a realistic unfolding of events, at least, realistic in terms of it being a 70% or so likelihood?

At this point in human history I'd say anything is possible. If you had told me in 2003 that by 2010 our economy would be in this terrible shape, actual unemployment nearing 20%, our national debt at what it is, our foreign policy in the state it is in, and that an openly "gendered approach" would be taken to such things as natural disaster resource allocation, I would have said "You're smoking something." And yet here it has all come to pass.

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...That no riots will occur.

Reasons being:

1) The men are starving and homeless. Starving and lack of a bed to sleep in makes them weak and unable to fight.

2) The military personnel over seeing the women only food distribution will shoot homeless starving men who try to interfere.

By the way, there is no gendered approach here, just status quo. Even in the good 'ol US of A the lowest form of life is an un-married, unemployed adult male. Even in the USA those guys get to die in the streets all around us every day. So why would those same people have any more value in a place where actual human beings of value are dying in the streets?

The worlds message to the Men in Haiti is: If you are un-married and your family is dead, please hurry the fuck up and join them cause you serve no useful purpose. Sorry about your luck but if you could please just die quietly that would be great because no one wants to listen to some man who thinks the world owes him food just because a natural disaster took his home and family from him.

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