UK: "Feminism: What went wrong?"

Article here. (Daily Mail has an article by Natasha Walter also on this topic.) Excerpt:

'"In previous generations many women had to repress their physical needs and experiences in order to fall in with social conventions, and feminism was needed to release them from the cage of chastity," writes Walter. "But what I heard from some women is that they feel there is now a new cage holding them back from the liberation they sought, a cage in which repression of emotions takes the place of repression of physical needs." In short, they daren't feel because it might limit the exercise of their freedom. "It's my choice," is now an argument-clincher for any kind of louche behaviour.

Ouch. Was this what their mothers fought for? Of course not. Freedom, combined with economic independence, may have proved a poisoned chalice, one that has made women more unhappy than ever before. Is it all feminism's fault, some are asking – among them Martin Amis, whose new novel, The Pregnant Widow, is based around the wretched story of his late sister Sally, who was unable to control her own drinking and promiscuity. To him, she was a victim of liberation."
Questions about the flaunting of sexuality do not trouble this generation. Today, the only debate about gender issues centres on the physiological differences between men and women. "All that gender determinist stuff about men having one kind of brain and women another is even more dangerous that the more aggressive sexism of the past," finds Izzy Finkel, who has just graduated from Cambridge, and, like most of her contemporaries, is chiefly concerned with getting a job.'

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Feminism didn't go wrong -- it was wrong from the word go!

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If anything, women are the "victims" of freedom from responsibility.

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