Country's first legal gigolo starts work in Nevada

Undoubtedly feminists will attempt to say this is an example of how men are having it better and better because "they can get sex not just 'for free', but now some can get paid for it," and that there needs to be further effort to stop "this sort of thing" not for men's sake but for women's. Of course to have things in the world of pay-for-play being male-to-female is also bad for women because it's sexual exploitation thereof. No winning, if you are male.

Also there are complaints that he won't have sex with other men, while some think having men around a brothel as prostitutes will "hurt the industry". And the article makes it sound like he hasn't even had a client yet, either. And on and on and on. Try to keep up. Excerpt:

'BEATTY, Nev. (AP) - A brothel in a Nevada desert town has hired the state's first male prostitute, a muscular college dropout who abandoned a brief stint as a porn actor in Los Angeles to become the only legal gigolo in the United States.

The Shady Lady Ranch successfully won state and county approval to clear the way for the "prostidude," as Nevada's newest sex worker is already being called. After a slow first week on the job, his first appointments are scheduled for this weekend.

The male prostitute - known as "Markus" - has quickly become the center of attention in Nevada's brothel industry.

He has been criticized by female counterparts for not being willing to have sex with men. ... Not surprisingly, he has been forbidden from doing interviews after the remarks.
Davis said that he and his wife aren't interested in establishing a gay male clientele, but it will be up to Markus to decide whether to accept men as customers. Davis said Markus told him that he wouldn't perform for male customers.

"All this gay homophobia in this country is horrible," Davis said. "Everybody's so damn scared two men might have sex - it's happening every day in Las Vegas. Not going to happen here, but that's all the big fear, is gay people."

George Flint, a longtime lobbyist for the Nevada Brothel Owners Association, said allowing a male prostitute creates legitimate health concerns. Male customers are thoroughly cleaned and inspected for signs of disease before sex at Nevada's brothels, and he doesn't believe the same "fanaticism" is possible when checking female customers.
Flint said he believed the Shady Lady Ranch, which is not a part of his association, could see a temporary wave of curious female customers, but the experiment will ultimately fail.

"I think she truly believes that it's a viable effort, and I'm wondering after four or five days and there haven't been any takers, if she's beginning to wonder if maybe she was wrong," Flint said. "You and I and the rest of the world can sit and debate this damn thing until hell freezes over, but if nobody shows up at her front door, what's it proved?"'

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At least there will be no confusing the shady ladies with this guy's clients - the latter will generally be 'plain'-looking. The question is, how will he get it up for them? Maybe by wearing a playboy centerfold wrapped around his head in lieu of a bag?


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Women pay for sex?

I'm pretty sure any women can get laid anytime she wants for free. Especially in Vegas.

But I also hear there are people that pay for porn, so ya never know.

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Lets assume you are a woman of means. You could buy ANY car you wanted. But, there's a whole bunch of free cars being offered to you. Problem is, they are in need of some work, or really boring, in ugly colors ect...

Would you buy your self a car that you really wanted or take one of the free ones just cause it's free?

Sure anyone with a pussy can get free sex. But can she get laid the way she wants, buy a guy who looks like the kind of guy she dreamed about when she was a little girl?

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Paragon has a good point. An even better one (cause it's mine:) is that women often over-estimate the extent to which men actually desire them: Men are visually stimulated, so they look at women; but looking is just looking. And, you know the saying on the t-shirt - "She may be hot, but..."


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I have met so many women that are just gorgeous to look at, that within 30 seconds of talking to become so utterly repugnant that I would not want to stick my worst enemies dick in.

I bet many of these women wonder why the hell they cannot maintain a relationship in spite of their obvious physical attractiveness.

She may have fucked every guy she knows once, but none of 'em came back for seconds.

Women like that probably become regulars for Gigolos to because they just want a regular lover who does not run away after the first date.

The reasons women would seek out a prostitute are likely as varied as the reasons men do.

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I think the main differences in male vs female prostitution use has to do with this:

A guy visiting a prostitute may be the highlight of his life (or at least his day). He has probably been looking forward to it, and he dreams about his encounter with a hot woman (as you say, men are visually sexually stimulated). He may even visit a brothel with his buddies as it is thought to be an exciting adventure. (disclaimer: I'm not a guy so I am only speculating)

A woman visiting a brothel will feel like it is the worst day of her life, as she is now so unattractive that she resorts to paying for sex. Like Ax indicated, a woman values her attractiveness. I doubt she would want to share this with her friends. I think Paragon is correct as well, but I don't think a woman's chances of being satisfied with a prostitute are any better than having sex with a stranger. Sure you can request certain sex acts, but everyone does things a little differently - plus I think many women need other things to turn them on (kissing, cuddling, and knowing that a guy desires them, even if it is a one night stand. Things that you can't get from a prostitute).

I can't imagine any female I know using a prostitute. I think they would opt for a vibrator. It is cheap, safe, non-humiliating and satisfying every time!

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A Gigolo on the other hand (if he specialists in women) is a master at providing all those little things women crave that their partners are not giving them. They specialize in making her feel pretty, and desired, like a princess, and know all about candles, message oils, bath salts, sex toys etc... That's their job. They pick up the checks at diner, they just get paid back later in the evening. Gigolo's are master's at first dates cause, you're right. that's what women want. They pamper the shit out of her and she pays for what she can't get from her husband. Call a male escort service in your area some day just to inquire about the services they offer, you'll be surprised.

You are right that she probably does not talk about it to her friends though, women are better at keeping their sexual misbehavior to themselves then men are. Does not mean it's uncommon though. Though I'm sure you can find groups of females who visit whore houses (or poor islands in the Caribbean) together, they are just mostly women double your age and very well off (So you know, 26 years from now you may have an entirely different opinion).

Oh, and before Haiti got fucked up by the Earthquake, it was one of the hottest spots on planet earth for FEMALE sex tourists looking for gigolo's and little boys to diddle. Haiti is well known for teen boy prostitutes catering to female tourists. It is the female equivalent of Thailand for male sex tourists, you just don't hear as much about it on the news. So yeah, women do those gross things to. I'm also certain that the sex trade there will be in full swing again soon and a great boon to the economic recovery of the country. Women using their pussies and Coach wallets to help the poor Haitian boys get back some of what they lost lol. To bad they are doing it as sickly as the men who use little girls in Thailand.

As for vibrators... well that's just like paying for porn isn't it? I mean, steamy romance novels are a billion dollar industry and sex toys (overwhelmingly a female dominated area of consumption) is an industry perhaps hundreds of thousands of years older then the porn business (as old as prostitution it's self). If you are ever in LA there is a museum there dedicated to the erotic and has a known history of the dildo going back at least 10 thousand years. Plus, dildos are easy to come by. Unlike porn, I can walk into my local Spencer Gifts at the mall and buy a vast assortment of vibrators and dildos openly. So you know, it's not just guys paying for masturbatory aids.

Plus, young girls these days just use the internet for porn like young guys do anyway. Packaged pornography sales have been in sharp decline for over a decade now. Who needs packaged porn when your girlfriend these days will just send you a video message of her using that new dildo she bought at the mall lol

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Sorry, law of demand and supply. Apparently the market for this is out there - they said his business picked up.


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