Student: ‘Beating So Bad Thought I Was Going To Die’

Story here. A man need not even be suspected of DV to get charged (of what crime-it seems it matters not), tried, found guilty, and punished by severe beating, all in one fell swoop, and by police officers no less. (No judges need apply.) Sometimes he just needs to be standing there. Excerpt:

'PITTSBURGH -- Pittsburgh police Chief Nate Harper said three plainclothes officers have been reassigned during an internal investigation into the beating of an 18-year-old student violinist from the city's Creative and Performing Arts High School.

Police charged Jordan Miles, 18, with assault and resisting arrest Jan. 11 because, they said, he fought with the officers who thought a "heavy object" in his coat was a gun. It turned out to be a bottle of Mountain Dew.

Miles said he resisted because he thought the men were trying to abduct him and didn't identify themselves as police.

Miles' family and attorney said he was hit with a stun gun and hospitalized after the violent Homewood struggle during which a chunk of his hair was yanked out and a tree branch went through his gums.

"I was accused for something I never had anything to do with," said Miles, an honor student at CAPA. "I was completely innocent. They couldn't find anything."

Police took Miles to a Pittsburgh hospital for treatment. The student said he had to go back after he was released from custody.'

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and then charge him w/ resisting arrest. not exactly a new thing.

hiring bad boy wanna-bes and punks coming home to roost there pitt?

there are plenty of good cops, but maybe they could stand for

some more training, that doesn't involve feminists theories about life.

perhaps, when he heals enough, he should say how sorry he was

for picking a fight w/ several well armed men.

sounds like pitt is about to pick up the tab. HA! good.

this guy (and his lawyer) may never have to work again.

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Have you seen the psych exams they use to determine who would make a 'good' police officer? What you and I may consider a good person would not pass.

Even if a new recruit goes into policing with the best of intentions, a few years on the force will change them into just another scumbag cop.

The policing system is NO DIFFERENT from any organized crime syndicate structurally. They are as bad as those they claim to be protecting people from.

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