Canada: Man beaten severely by police after dragging him from house on DV suspicion

Story here. Plain-clothed officer burst into a man's home and dragged him from it, then beat him nearly to death due to him being *suspected* of a crime. This is why such things as arrest warrants and such concepts as the use of force continuum and presumed innocence (I include the links for the VPD's educational use) were invented... unless of course the suspected crime is anything DV-related, wherein of course the suspected victim is female. This is just what the founding fathers were on about.

However with respect to my reference to the US's founding fathers, that this brutal criminal act committed by persons acting under color of law and in the employ of a taxpayer-supported governmental system occurred in Canada hardly detracts from the point, does it? It could just as well have happened in the US and I am pretty sure it already has on more than one occasion.

So, the police involved have "apologized"? I hardly think that's good enough. Had they done this to any person except a man, they would be not only sacked but probably facing criminal charges.

Can you just imagine if they had beaten an attractive young women that way for any reason? Can you just imagine the trouble they would be in? Excerpt:

'The Vancouver Police Department has issued an apology after a man said he was beaten by officers who knocked on the wrong door while investigating a report of a violent domestic dispute.

Plainclothes officers arrived at the right house at 2 a.m. PT Wednesday near Knight and 49th Street in East Vancouver, but they were at the wrong suite, police admitted in a news release Thursday.

Speaking through a translator, Yao Wei Wu told CBC News that as soon as he opened the door the officers pulled him out of the house and beat him.

He was hit multiple times on the back, head and face, said Yao, 44.

He said he did not resist because the men had guns.

It was only after they handcuffed him and asked his name that they appeared to realize they had the wrong man, Yao said.
"The man resisted by striking out at the police and trying to slam the door, but the officers persisted in the belief that there may be a woman and child inside who could be in danger."

The man the police were looking for who lived in the other suite in the house was later found and arrested on suspicion of assault, McGuinness said. '

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    The Vancouver Police Department has issued an apology after a man said he was beaten by officers who knocked on the wrong door while investigating a report of a violent domestic dispute.

Let's get this straight, if the VPD had gotten the right suite, they would've felt fully justified in beating the suspect half to death with no questions asked? And some folks call MRAs paranoid about the status of men.

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I was going to say, "Oh...we're sorry, we meant to beat a different guy to death."


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And, all this was based on "suspicion of assault." So, we can legally assault you to half to death if we suspect you assaulted someone else.
Crazy world.


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They could've popped three caps apiece into his head and it'd've been just fine. Hell, aren't you paying attention?

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here we have gun rights, and the FF's intended for us
to defend ourselves. lots of home invasions these days.

kick in my door and come on in boys.

the water's just fine.

if i were this guy, i would call these half-man punks
out one at a time. bet most would try to find some
excuse not to step up. punks are only bad in packs.

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This is not surprising. The police are personal body guards to women, they serve feminists. The pigs are the enemy of all men who want freedom. Any man who serves in the police force should be ashamed of himself. Rejoice when a pig is killed, for that is one less scumbag who will knock down your door and beat you because of some female's lies.

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