'Mary, on the Contrary': NY Times obit made feminist theologian Daly sound sane

Article here. Excerpt:

'As one who has long followed the career of the late radical feminist theologian Mary Daly, I was disappointed by her obituary in the New York Times a couple weeks ago. As a summation of Daly's outsize life and work, it was inexplicably drab.

A pioneering figure of "eco-feminism" and a major draw on the campus lecture circuit in the 1980s and '90s, Daly was probably best known in the secular world for her long-standing refusal to admit men to some of her undergrad courses at Boston College. This unilateral deviation from coeducational policy made national headlines in the late 90s, when a libertarian-conservative "public interest law firm" threatened to sue the college on behalf of an undergrad who felt his Title IX rights were being violated. In what Daly termed an instance of "rapism," the college administration used the threat of litigation to maneuver her into retirement in 1999.
"People are afraid to say that kind of stuff anymore," said Daly in 1999 to an interviewer uneasy about her proposed planetary "Mister-ectomy." But Daly exhibited no such qualms, which is why I think she would agree that Fox's obit was kind of a whitewash. Daly, however, would have surely found a way to blame its shortcomings on "the patriarchy," whereas I construe them as the consequence of Fox trying to register Daly's stature as (in the words of former Ms. editor Robin Morgan) "a central figure in 20th-century feminism" without giving the average lay reader the impression that she was a flaming moonbat.'

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Why drill down to Daly? The mere existence of a "Feminist theology" is an affront to all sane persons. Not to sound sacreligious, but it's probably also an affront to God, Ala, the Buddha, and even Zeus et. al.

What was God doing before he created the universe? Preparing hell for fascists such as Daly.


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Challenge Fox news, write them. Share your view!

There is no hope of MRAs and other people changing the way the public looks at the lunacy coming from the likes of Daly if we are unwilling to speak up, to publicly say that her ideas are INSANE. This is not the beginnings of a new theology, this is simply a very wounded and sick woman who was shielded by the structure of the university tenure system. We must all speak up again and again. We must tell the whole truth about this, how it hurts men, how it hurts women, how it hurts children, how it hurts families, how it violates the laws of hate speech, how it is fascist in nature, how her words are a violation of the constitution's guarantee of equal rights, etc.

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As an antidote to 'Goddess Theory', read the upcoming third book in the 'Misandry' series by Nathanson and Young:

Sanctifying Misandry here

[This must have been an unplanned book in the series. I heard a couple of years ago that the third one was to be 'Transcending Misandry' (which will now be the fourth.)]


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