Proposal in process in Maryland State Assembly to restrict men's contact with foreign women
The following is from a letter to the editor in the Cumberland Times-News, based in Maryland. Excerpt:
'How far out of touch with reality are Maryland legislators anyways? That’s exactly the question being asked by citizens (women and men) regarding a proposed bill in the Maryland General Assembly, that would restrict men’s rights to use dating sites to meet foreign women.
Delegate Jeannie Haddaway-Riccio (R-Talbott),vice president of the women’s caucus is leading 35 other delegates (all women) on a campaign for passage of HB 65, that would shockingly require Maryland men to submit their fingerprints and other background information before they can initiate communication with a foreign woman if they use an “International Marriage Broker”.
The bill is littered with false, misleading, and inaccurate information. Nobody is being traded or sold as the title, “Regulation of Marriage Brokers”, deceptively implies. The truth reveals these are merely dating sites that provide names, addresses and phone numbers so that a Maryland citizen can initiate communication (as in saying “hello”) with a foreigner. Punishment for violations of the law include $12,000 fine and or up to one year imprisonment.
The Maryland law requires male matchmaking clients to provide an array of personal and criminal information to a foreign woman, making them vulnerable identity theft, blackmail and other crimes. Also, the law fails to protect American men from immigrant spouses who often file false charges of abuse in order to obtain citizenship.
So what exactly is the mindset of Maryland women legislators who are going after fictitious “marriage brokers” surreptitiously masking the reality of a law that regulates men’s communication, and land them in jail for a year — just for writing a love letter?
Let it be known that writing a letter — including a romance letter, is a legitimate activity and the government has no right to enact laws that place restrictions on relationships and communication occurring across international boundaries.'
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It's called "market protection"
Basically too many 30-something US women (MD in particular - been down that way and it's even more short-on-men than upstate New York!) are going husband-less and they are noticing too many US men of all ages with "obviously foreign women", for example, women who are clearly not just ethnically Asian but also Asian-born too, based on clothing, accent, gestures, etc. Likewise with women from E. Europe or Russia; it is pretty easy to tell if someone was not raised in the US just by looking at how he or she dresses, walks, and so on. When my father and brother and I were in the UK years ago, it was apparent to everyone we were Americans, and ethnically we are all of Caucasian-Celtic descent. The nationalistic markers based on clothing and gait, gestures, etc. are huge signs, trumping anything like skin color or generalized facial characteristics.
These American women are not liking that competition is coming over in droves from countries where the men there are "not as attractive" for whatever reason (eg: high nos. of men who smoke/drink to excess, etc.) to those women. The human reproductive agenda is a down-and-dirty game. This is DNA speaking (screaming) at its more imperative level. Truth and/or justice does not matter here. All that matters is "Am I going to have a chance in hell of finding a decent man to have kids with?" If they think the answer is no because there are already "too few marriageable men" in the dating pool, they will do whatever they can to shut off any further competition. However it is not PC for them to say the foreign women are "competition" so the usual crap is being pulled on the men: they and/or their "sinister agents" are being tagged as the problem and thus are targeted for law enforcement action -- all for wanting to meet a woman named Natalia who just happens to live in the Ukraine.
Whole thing is as transparent as Saran-Wrap.
This entire issue of regulating international dating via such laws as IMBRA are precisely what turned me from being a casual (and naive) advocate of the feminist way of thinking, to a bitter and ardent opponent.
And not just with this particular issue, but with everything else associated with the feminazi movement. It was truly my 'red pill' moment.
And to learn that it could get even worse, (at least in Maryland...to begin with) boils my blood.
Down on your knees, And thank heaven, fasting,
For a good man's love.
Shakespeare, As You Like It III, 5
You'd be crazy to get married these days anyway
If men really research their legal status before and after marriage, then they would be crazy (or very uninformed) to get married in America today. I'm talking about charges of domestic violence, property division upon divorce, alimony, child support, etc. One of the feminist agendas is to destroy marriage, and with bills like this, we can see they are going full bore ahead with it.
My thoughts exactly!
Matt, I do believe that you hit the nail on the head! Men that use these sites have been ripped off many times by scammers. It isn't the deluded male that is scamming on the foreign women. The poor men in this country can't find a decent woman in their homeland and are opting for a woman from another country. WARNING, after they get here I've heard that it doesn't take long for them to learn the american female ways.
David A. DeLong