Contender for Massachusetts Senate seat co-sponsored Shared Parenting Bill

F&F article here. Well, I really do not care if he is a Republican or Democrat. Any politician who supports a shared parenting bill is worthy of consideration, in my opinion, what with the shared parenting struggle being as uphill as it is. IMJ, no person you may otherwise prefer or not prefer as a candidate or office-holder can be ignored out of hand if he or she supports shared parenting. Excerpt:

'The race to fill the late Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat has become a national media story, as polls show that upstart Massachusetts Republican State Senator Scott Brown (pictured) has pulled even with favored Democratic Party candidate Martha Coakley, Massachusetts’ Attorney General. President Obama has come to Massachusetts to try to save the race for Coakley–this in a state where Democrats outnumber Republicans 3-1.

Senator Brown has been a co-sponsor of Fathers & Families’ Shared Parenting Bill, has met with F & F Board Chairman Ned Holstein, MD, and has spoken at a F & F meeting. Dr. Holstein explains:

Our Shared Parenting Bill, which Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick has publicly pledged to sign, would end the barbaric practice of judges stripping fathers (or sometimes mothers) of custody of their children without a sound, stated basis. Family courts must protect the relationship between children and both parents after a divorce, instead of allowing an angry mother (or father) to push the other parent out.

Fathers & Families recently circulated the message below to its Massachusetts members concerning some of Brown and Coakley’s positions, and we urge our members to vote on Tuesday, January 19.'

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Scott Brown won. Martha Coakley just conceded.

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Let's see if he still supports shared parenting after he's sworn in and experiences the full pressure of the radical feminist lobby. Let's hope he remembers his own words and does something to strengthen Father's roles in their children's lives.

I often hear Obama PSA's on the TV, saying Fathers should be involved in their children's lives - as if he isn't actively involved in supporting the radical feminist, anti-Father forces that drive dads from their kids lives.

Perhaps Brown will stand up to the misandrist, anti-Father, hypocrisy of Obama. But I'll believe it, when I see it.

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