Creating a Men's Anti Feminist Group In London - update

Hi all, Rod here.

My London friend Tom is an MRA who believes in "equality feminism". In a number of words he explained to me I need to make it clear to men that I am not anti-equality or a misogynist.

I have-long standing female friends as well as male friends. Like many men growing up around the 1970s I thought if I was nice, helpful and respectful to women, if I worked hard and had talent, that I would in kind be liked, and respected by people of both sexes... by most people anyway - and I would have a place in this world.

It is strange that I would think that, considering the background I came from. But I did because I was young and had hope. I had faith and a sense of responsibility and a desire to achieve, like a lot of men who I would now see as being naive.

I am very fond of my female friends, as I am my male friends. I am much less challenging or opinionated with women who I am close to personally vs. men simply because I know it would affect our relationship adversely. Like a lot of men, I find helping women gives me a buzz. I feel good about myself when in warm female company. Giving to a woman is weirdly empowering and warm and makes me feel good about myself. A male trait. And this is something I have really learned to hate about myself.

Now, directly due to how I have been treated, I am extremely cautious and have limited my exposure to the company of women considerably. The sophisticated lying, manipulation, narcissism and ruthless greed I have experienced in modern women seems rampant and largely unavoidable.

Many women empower themselves with criminally devious cruelty. Sometimes for the buzz of control, other times as an instinctual but sophisticated malignant plan against other people.

The outcome is ruthlessly successful financial gain and a position of influence and power over other people, in which they seem endlessly intoxicated on.

Who are their role models?
What are men missing in their young development?
Why are over-empowered women seemingly omnipresent?

Do men have their own morality issues? Of course we do.

But the men that dive to the depths of depravity that seem common to many women are either incarcerated, live in squalor, or in a position of great power and wealth, all while female sociopaths walk freely among us.

I believe feminism has never had anything to do with gender-equality whatsoever. I believe the misguided intellectuals are outnumbered a thousand to one. Their education and class leads them to talk conceptually - out of their boxes.

I believe it is a misuse of the meaning 'rights' to speak of "women's rights" today. I think feminists have abused the meaning of "women's rights" to abolish the human rights of men. To me, feminists are aptly called "female supremacists".

I believe the appallingly-wealthy women who called themselves the Suffragettes were some of the most selfish, ignorant and grotesquely privileged citizens in the world at the time. Their rioting, vandalism, violence and assaults on police went unpunished, a privilege enjoyed by many women worldwide today.

It is interesting to compare such leniency to the men of that time, who in protest or on strike over the most desperate issues, were subjected to the most unrestrained violence by government order, with army and police on horseback using batons and guns.

If you see past the glamor in places, you will see that our society is unsustainable. Naturally, women will not be held responsible or accountable. The women who have caused this are ever more powerful, and continue to point the finger of blame to their primary victims. This blame will land squarely where it always has, on men's our heads, with government cooperation.

There has been a long war against us. Good men have told us so. Our allies, some reasonable and fair-minded women, have looked the other way; most seem only willing to help if the outcome affects them.

A least, let's meet up,

Creating A Men's Antifeminist group In London

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I have to say, I am disappointed,
As far as I know I haven't yet been contacted by a London man for a London Group.
I have explained any interest in an Antifeminist Mens Meet-up group does not mean men are obligated to activism.
I need reasonable men for a think tank to help things get started.

I can only guess the prejudice and abuse hasn't got intolerable enough yet.

Remember our freedom of speech is offensive to the Political Correct. Having access to accurate facts and historical events is not appreciated in any way by Feminists or Politicians.
If The internet is curtailed or shut down to us where will most men go?
I think networks of men need to be set up, wherever in the world you live, a men's - 'Men's Rights Meet-up' or an 'AntiFeminist Men's Group' should be considered.

I will continue, - please contact me if you are aware of this abortion we have to live under.
If you live in the London area - or England or bloody anywhere!!!

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