Israel: Anti-Feminist Speech by Dafna Netanyahu at a Likud Party conference
[Submitter of this item: Please be sure to click "Read more" and read my "Ed. note" comments. Thank you. -- Matt ]
Article here . Excerpt:
It is very uncommon to see a politician speaking in public against feminism, in the political correctness atmosphere that controls the Israeli politics and media. However, in a brave speech, Dr. Dafna Netanyahu is presenting Anti-Feminist views in open air, in a conference of the Israeli Likud Party. The Israeli Likud party is a moderate right-wing party. The Current Israeli Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, is from the Likud Party.
A translation of Danfa Netanyahu's speech:
The anthropologist has explained that when a society reaches such a level of lack of compassion, even between a mother and her child, the rehabilitation of such a society is no longer possible. Apparently the emotional relationship between family members is a glue that is necessary to the existence of a any group, as it functions as the basis for the emotional ability of humans to feel dedication to a group. First for his family, then close groups outside the family, and finally to other humans.
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I dunno...
It took me all of two minutes searching on the net to find out that she is Benyamin Netanyahu's sister-in-law. This sounds to me like it has more to do with Arab/Isreali politics - I'm surprised there's no 'original source' citation here. When I google on ["Dafna Netanyahu" and feminism] all I get are about 13 hits leading back to MR sites and related stuff, especially a site called antimisandry.com.
There is no original source
There is no original source in here. The speech is available to watch on a YOUTUBE video, in hebrew.
I have translated her speech for my English readers.
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