Anyone see a difference here?

So - two stories on the same day from the BBC. Spot the difference:

Man jailed for sex with teenager

Jail term for underage sex woman

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One is a man, who is a sexual predator. The other is a woman, who probably had a troubling childhood and needs therapy.

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When a woman is the predator, she "gives her gift" whereas if the predator is a man, he "takes her prize." That's the mindset society is programmed to run with.

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The notion that pussy is something of a prize, with an indetermined value, that can be bartered, bought, sold, and exploited by the owner (woman) for whatever she can get for it.

It is not a gift, in the same sense that the poison apple from the wicked witch was not a gift, but a trap.

oregon dad

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....and even the perpetrators are pretty close in age. I've not seen such a close example from the same source on the same day before.

I definitely noticed in the case of the male who had sex with the young girl all the usual inflammatory buzz words were used such as 'groomed', raped', 'abducted' etc...


Not one of those words appeared in the article about the female who had sex with the young boys.

I also noticed that the woman is noted as having used threats against all involved and the man despite being charged with abduction is not accused of threatening the girl in any way and since she met him at the service station of her own accord after sending him presumably (but not implicitly stated) provocative photos of herself. I do not see how that is abduction. Sounds like she had a very good idea of what she was getting into. Plus, he does not seem to have tried to cover his tracks or conceal his actions (I can only assume that the girls parents knew they were friends since they were talking for 6 years). He fesses up right away but said it was consensual.

The boys who had sex with the older woman probably knew what they were getting into as well as far as sex was concerned but did not want to be this woman's toys and tried to back off at which point it appears she threatened them with pregnancy and suicide. She made every effort to conceal her actions and keep the relationships going for extended periods of time through threats, intimidation and humiliation.

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How do we re-educate society to stop believing pussy is the greatest prize anyone can receive?

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But we do need to educate people, that a woman is not "giving" a man sex, anymore than he is "giving" her sex. They are sharing (in consensual relationships). Once that idea has been learned as far as consensual sex, it will carry over to the issue of sex crimes, albeit in a somewhat different form (i.e. women sex criminals will be punished equivalently with men, since they will not be seen as "giving" the boy something).


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