Attitudes sour on sex between boys, teachers

Story here.

"Statewide, the number of females arrested – but not necessarily charged – for sex crimes against adults and children increased more than 50 percent between 2001 and 2005, while the number of males arrested during that period declined 7.1 percent. The number of female arrestees has increased from 1,169 in 2001 to 1,766 in 2005."

"Authorities say the problem is recurrent, and they believe the crime of female adults molesting minor males is not necessarily a rarity, but just underreported."

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Not "statutory rape", but "sex"? Oh, so it's all right then.

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"Teacher 'sexpidemic' The phenomenon of teachers accused or convicted of having sex with their students has come to the forefront of national and international news in recent years. Some of the cases involving women have been chronicled by WND, including:"


The list starts below the "Now it's the principal's wife having sex" story. Scroll down a page or so to view it.

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Society does not even take the feelings or thoughts of females engaged in similar activity into account. We tell the young girl how she should feel, regardless of how she felt about it while it was occurring. She may have thought it was a boyfriend/girlfriend loving fun relationship. But, then we impose the view upon her that she has been violated in the most awful way imaginable and scare her half to death. So, no she thinks it was the most awful violation and is angry and vengeful for being lied to by some one she cared about. I am not by any means saying this is the case all of the time but merely that society has the capability to change a persons views on a situation.

When it comes to boys, it is the opposite reaction from society and since they have been encouraged and praised by allot of their friends and even adults and family members, they act as if it is no big deal and that they are not in any way confused or hurt by the whole situation. Boys are not allowed to be hurt by girls. We teach them that from toddlers on. After all, we must teach boys to deal with womens rejection as they will encounter more rejection in life then anything else from women. He may have all sorts of misgivings about the relationship but he'll still boast and brag about it because that is what society traditionally expects from boys/men.

Societies views are changing slowly with regards to boys, but they are still firmly steadfast when it comes to girls.

I think it will always be rape when a girl is involved with an older male no matter what.

I think it eventually will be the same for boys envolved with older females.

But, I am not sure I agree with zero tolerance as there will always be cases where the young person is better served by teaching them about relationships and answering their questions and helping them deal with their feelings both positive and negative as opposed to prosecuting and locking up some one they may in fact genuinely care for a great deal.

I am not condoning adults having sex with minors I am merely proposing more options to deal with it when it happens then exclusively prosecution and subsequent vilification of the older person.

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Ever see that South Park episode?
"But she's a chick"
"and she's hot..."
"Nice..." (Hissing the sss sound)
This is true for every story

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And the teacher says "Don't worry, I can get out of this" by saying she was an alcoholic, going through therapy for a few months, and then being freed. That episode summarized the whole problem in 20 minutes.

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