Mary J. Blige beats up her husband - deafening silence from MSM and DV advocates
Is anyone else hearing so much as a peep out of the MSM or so-called DV advocacy groups about this story? Not a word.
Well maybe I am just all fired up on coffee and OTC cold meds today but as far as I am concerned, this is not just going to slip by in the usual stream of news stories that bombards us daily. This is if nothing else THE example of the decade of how DV vs. men is utterly ignored by just about everyone who may (or may not) hear about it via the MSM or any other source. It's nymphotropism and cognitive dissonance in action x 1000. One day I imagine it will be a case-study that SOC101 students will be made to write essays about. (Well, a fellow can dream, can't he?)
The MSM reflects what they believe (and all too often, get right) their viewers or readers want to see in the content they serve up. If there is some inconvenient truth that needs telling, they need to be informed to get on the stick and start telling it or else start losing their advertisers or subscribers.
Let's start with TV contact information, then the (so-called) papers, then radio. Click 'Read more', as I will list contact information for as many MSM sources as I can think of. Also, I will write a sample letter for you to use. Let's roll on this, since if we cannot move on such an open, high-profile, and egregious example of the double-standards at work here, then we may as well hang it up.
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I sent emails/comments to
I sent emails/comments to all the TV networks.
The address for FOX is newsmanager@foxnews.com
Thou rocketh.
Charlie Sheen, Mary J. Blige and Tiger Woods – stuff happens
I posted a piece yesterday at my new site:
Charlie Sheen, Mary J. Blige and Tiger Woods – stuff happens
Trudy, I looked at your
I looked at your site, and I'm wondering why that newspaper in Florida is starting a series on DV even though the husband has only been listed as the alleged killer.
anything to sell
anything to sell papers!
Really? I didn't gather from
Really? I didn't gather from reading your post that that was your perspective:)
Detroit Free Press
Here's another newspaper link: Detroit Free Press
I submitted to all the newspapers, I'll check out radio too. Like I always say, awareness is the first step.
Open Your Eyes by Jay Hammers
'nother one from deceiver.com
More like it
This is more like it. I have emailed them all.
Mindelle Jacobs of the Sun News Paper chain would be one to email as well.
Mens violence is front page news for this chain but womens violence. Nada.
Barbara Kay at the National Post is sympathetic to the cause but I see none of this incident on the pages of NP as of yet.
Her latest article is here
As I have virtually copied and pasted Matts words. It would be best to send your own to these two. See below
Ms. Jacobs:
When Rhianna hit Chris Brown in the head with her stiletto heels while he was behind the wheel trying not to lose control of the car and Brown overreacted1, what did mainstream media report? They showed us Rhianna's injuries, but were totally silent about what part Rhianna's temper played in the altercation.
When Tiger Woods' wife attacked him with a golf club2, the mainstream media ignored his wife's violence. Hardly any of the mainstream media reported that the Florida Highway Patrol described Woods' injuries as "serious".3 Instead they waited for more stories about Woods' affairs to come out so they could spin it as a tale of Woods' infidelities rather than about female-perpetrated domestic violence.
Now we have the case of Mary J. Blige, a woman who purports to be concerned about domestic violence, so much so that she has provided part of the funding for a domestic violence shelter named in her honor4. But her comment, "Women from all walks of life, not just women from poverty-stricken areas," makes it clear that only female victims will be helped by her shelter. And her actions make it clear that she believes that as a female she enjoys the privilege of using violence whenever any male displeases her. On Christmas Eve, the New York Post reported that she punched her husband in the face, drawing blood, because she thought he was flirting with a waitress.5 How has the rest of the mainstream media covered her hypocrisy? The silence has been deafening!
I am perplexed that the report of her beating up her husband in public at a recent record opening has not appeared in the news reporting on your site. As stated above The NY Post seems be one of only a few sources covering this story (see http://www.nypost.com/p/pagesix/blige_hauls_off_on_husband_o32W7IKFja08UXzRipJiHI).
This fact is all the more perplexing given that there are plenty of examples, regularly reported, of DV by men against women in the media, but despite private government studies showing the relative equality of assault incidents among heterosexual couples crossing gender lines (see http://www.ncfm.org/chapters/la/dv_data.html), reports such as this one are un- or under-disseminated by mainstream media outlets. This creates a false impression regarding the nature and prevalence of domestic violence and hinders efforts to get a truly just measure of the problem, as well as a good chance at forging solutions that are effective.
Please do your part as a representative of the Sum media outlet to help repudiate this inequity. As a reader, I ask that you cover this story and solicit input from DV specialists who recognize the true nature of DV as an "equal-opportunity" problem and cite the above incidents as recognition of the inequities perpetrated by the mainstream media and society in general. I will ask again. Why no mention?
A response
I emailed Ms. Kay and received a response within the hour. Fantastic.
See Below.
Ms Kays response here
Click on Full Size tab to see clearly.