"10 years of advocacy"

I've just published 10 years of advocacy, an essay about my years in the movement, and what seems to be ahead.

I'm pretty positive about the future, but hey, that's me... Excerpt:

'When the big ball falls in Times Square this time, I will have been in this advocacy for ten years. Much has changed since then, and we all know much that has not.

In the early months of 2000, I knew nothing of VAWA and the industry that has sprung up to benefit, in terms of both money and political clout, from the misery of the abused.

Even today, I still can’t figure out how I did not know. After all, I’d been working either as volunteer or paid staff at one or another of several social services agencies since 1984. In 1991, I’d even served as a member of our local United Way’s Allocations Panel, and our only local “battered women’s shelter” was one of the agencies in my assignment.'

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Trudy, for s long time, you were one of the only voices, especially a higher-toned one as compared to the others, that were calling the assumptions behind things like VAWA for what they are, and having the courage to write about it and deal with the heat from it. (The only other woman I can think of who has been at it longer is Erin Prizzey.)

Thank you again!

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