Practical Implications of Current Domestic Violence Research: For Law Enforcement, Prosecutors and Judges

This is a directive to law enforcement in regards to substantial research on domestic violence which appears to be inconsistent with current law enforcement policies.

This directive states "behavior that is likely to violate most state and federal criminal and civil (protective order) statutes is typically perpetrated by males".

This directive neglects that substantial research on domestic violence includes the use of Straus' Conflict Tactics Scale, which is a measure of the severity of violence, and still finds nearly equal rates between genders.

The directive continues to advise that "If the ratio of male to female suspects and victims differs substantially from those found above, departments should be alert to potential gender bias in their response to domestic violence."

This directive appears to advise that if police departments stray from 86-90% male arrest ratio then that would considered to be gender bias.

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The director of the NIJ is appointed by the President. The acting director is one Kristina Rose, a brief bio can be viewed here. I fear that Obama is delegating the filling of most of these sensitive domestic positions to radfem staff, staff that quarantines him from any dissenting voices. This particular directive codifies anti-male bias, invalidates most DV research, and prescribes action against departments that attempt to be fair. I wonder how many more of these sweethearts are planted throughout this administration.

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Feminist trained judges are trained by bigots to be bigots.

Feminist Trained Judges Are Black Robed Bigots

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Another indication of the depth of the dysfunction of current feminist-based approach to domestic abuse. I suppose they would say that it is working perfectly. I wonder how many more years will go by as it continues to NOT really work for the vast majority of victims.

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They've dismissed all academic studies and are relying entirely on crime statistics. If men dont report abuse and assaults by women, this is what happens.

It is now officially a war on men - blessed officially by the US government, with a stamp of official approval of bias.

oregon dad

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I second that, the entire western world and now India and the UN have absolutely declared open war on all men.

You must report abuse, even the most minor type. This is, perhaps, the most important thing we can teach our son's. Besides avoiding marriage and planning alternatives to having children in these countries and bringing more boys into a world that more than hates them, wishes them imprisoned, enslaved or dead.

Remember all males are born with original sin originating from 10,000 years or more of male privilige.

Think I'm harsh. Go ahead get married and have a few kids, go for it. Good luck.

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We know that child abuse is mostly committed by women, so presumably the same authorities are going to tell cops that if they are booking more men than women for child abuse they have a gender bias that must be fixed! Right? No, i'm not holding my breath either.

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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Gender Feminists are practicing a Religion. That has been elevated by Public Officials. It is interesting the one group they avoid is Muslims. I suspect that Men who yell in Court Allahu Akbar will send a chill up the spines of the Black Robed Bastards who are whoring themselves to Feminist Governance. And waging a Judicial War against men.

Tiger Woods was attacked with a Golf Club. Feminists in Sweden roared their approval. What happened to his wife? Nothing. Paul Anka has been attacked twice by his Wife who he is Divorcing. Who is an abusive bitch. She has not been jailed for her recent actions.

The Muslims will not capitulate to the Feminist run US Government and its war on Men. We have seen this recently. And we will see more of it. When there are 50 Million Muslims living in the US. There will be a payback of Feminists.

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