Warn your sons: Accidentally hitting a girl with a basketball during playtime could get him killed

Story here. Never too early in life to let nymphotropism guide you to commit felonies against your fellow men (or in this case, boy). Not unlike that whole scene from that TV show in India where the "dominatrix" slapped a contestant and he had the unmitigated gall to slap her back, thus leading to him being beaten nearly to death by all those tough stand-up guys on the stage. (Hey, it's easy to be tough when it's 20 vs. 1 and you're on the "20" side) Excerpt from this particular atrocity here:

'What began as an innocent mistake ended in a vicious attack on a local honor student.

Police said as many as 11 students beat up the eighth-grader leaving him severely injured, and he may even lose his sight.

CBS 2 HD spoke with some of his friends about what led to the brutal attack.

The incident near a school soccer field was so violent that 13-year-old David Muneton needed reconstructive surgery to his face to correct several broken bones.
Police have arrested seven students from both the middle school and high school, charging them with aggravated assault. The youngest one is just 12 years old.

Investigators said the teenagers jumped Muneton on Friday as he walked home from school to get back at him for an earlier incident during which the eighth-grader accidentally hit a girl with a basketball.

The superintendent said the girl, who has also been charged, led the boys to Muneton, saying "He's the one."

"We do know that after the girl made the comment one of the people, the boys, who was with him immediately punched him," Superintendent Dr. Richard Segall said.'

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This is an example of chivalry gone awry. Sounds like the guys who beat up the honor student were defending the girl who had been hit with the ball, or perhaps defending her honor. So what if she was hit by a ball? Men and boys need to stop acting chivalrous - they should instead be asking "why should I?" This unfortunate situation could have been prevented if these boys would ask "why?" instead of blindly acting like a mob. Maybe going to war isn't too far different?

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the girl, who instigated it all, gets a slap on the wrist.


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This has more to do with mob mentality - the contagion of an angry fascist mob. The need to be chivalrous is a frequent, convenient 'trigger' for formation of these mobs. We on these boards periodically hear of men getting beaten to death for alleged child abuse, and rape.

Reducing misandry alone will not solve the problem, the mobs would just 'look' for other excuses to coalesce. We must go further do away with the Orwellian aspects of society.


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Is race involved in this incident? Was the young man white and the attackers mostly black? If so, why was this not mentioned in the article? It surely would have been mentioned if a gang of white kids had singled out and beaten a black boy.

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These little fuckers should be glad it wasn't my son. Because I'd track each one of them down, beat them with in an inch of their life, and blind them if my son went blind. That goes for the girl too. Consequences be damned. When you mess with my son, you're taking your life into your own hands.

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From the many incredibly racist remarks in the comment section, I'd say race was not only involved but prominent, as much if not more than chivalry.

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to instinctively go into defense mode when a damsel is in distress.

Females in the workplace like crying to other male coworkers when they get into spat with a male coworker. If you know what I mean, expect to have multiple guys gang up on you w/o even knowing what truly transpired..

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I have a feeling if race was involved, then the attack was far more related to race than gender and an opportunity for racist blacks to attack a young white male. The whole thing is so tragic.

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I hate stories like this. I wont click it on, because I know it will haunt me.

So many thoughts come to mind. Why do children have such a lack or respect for other human beings? Where are the parents?

I wish the parents could be charged as well as the students. I think every parent that does not supervise their children or teach basic humanity should be punished.

From the comments here, I am guessing that it was black students beating up a white student. This is not meant to sound racist, it is just a fact, and that is that many black kids do not have a two parent household. It is my personal belief that a lot of social issues are involved in this story, and I think lack of family structure might be one of them.

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We aren't going to truly understand what's happening in cases like this unless we are willing to look at the facts available to us -- all the facts. To comment based on an excerpt, or based on the comments alone, that does not give any of us all the facts. This is a serious and complicated battle and MRAs need to arm themselves with all the facts. If we don't, we are going to be blindsided in arguments or in court. I know a lot of this is painful to look at, but we need to be willing to look at all the facts, if we are going to be credible, if we are going to be successful in changing things. If you're not willing to do that, ask yourself "why not?" How can you be a successful MRA if you don't want to look at the facts?

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You have a good point. I apologize.

The excerpt and comments got under my skin, and I didn't want to read the whole story before I went to bed or my anger would keep me from sleeping. I have now read the whole story and it is as infuriating as I thought it would be. Truly tragic.

I am going to give the news and internet a rest now and get ready for the holidays. Merry Christmas everyone. (I'm going to pray for peace on Earth)

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Well, Kris, your suspicions were correct. The thugs (and the girl who started it) were "people of color"...the kid who got beat down was not. It was actually quite obvious from the contorted manner in which the main stream media reported the story; no mention of race, or hate crimes, etc. Whenever race is omitted from these stories, you can fill in the blanks. What could have been a simple confrontation escalated into a mating ritual as these animals vied to impress the girl (by kicking a defenseless white kid in head).

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Well, at least I'm still in the clear - after all the comments, it is still mob mentality.


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Even though race seems to be the real motivating factor for these monsters to assault someone still that small 2 inch square invaginated area in the female's crotch region had to have some equally motivating factor on these a-holes. Most chivalrous dweebs in today's Western culture equate any violation of a woman's crotch region as the same as desecrating the national flag.

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What was the thing that happened in India (mentioned in the o.p.)? Is there a link to it?-


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