General Backs Off on Court Martials for Pregnant Soldiers

Article here. Excerpt:

An Army general in Iraq backed away from his threat today to court martial female soldiers who get pregnant.

"I regret that the term 'court martial' is bandied about or mentioned," Maj. Gen. Anthony Cucolo III said from Iraq today. "I do not ever see myself putting a soldier in jail for this."

Cucolo triggered debate, some of it angry, when his Nov. 4 policy forbidding pregnancy among his soldiers became public recently. His policy statement said violation of the rule could be punishable by court martial, and that it would also apply to the men who get female soldiers pregnant, even if the couple is married.

Pregnant soldiers are immediately redeployed out of combat zones to bases where they can get comprehensive medical care.

"The true purpose behind this is to cause them to pause and think about, 'Okay wait a minute. It was written in the order and I'm going to leave my team. I'm going to leave an outfit shorthanded,'" Cucolo said.
While legal and military experts said the order was proper, a spokeswoman for the National Organization for Women called it "ridiculous."

"How dare any government say we're going to impose any kind of punishment on women for getting pregnant," NOW President Terry O'Neill said. "This is not the 1800s."'

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... as back then, women were not to be found in the army. Now they are. Isn't that what you wanted?

A soldier getting a tattoo w/out permission can be court-martialled, but one getting pregnant cannot?

If a female soldier is found to be pregnant, she is immediately removed from duties that could cause her to have an abortion. This is in effect a get-out-of-combat/any-unpleasant-duty-free card. Male soldiers don't have that option. Hooray for equality!

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Something seems to be left out of this - it's especially the ones who get pregnant on purpose, to avoid duty, that should get court-martialed - with at least a bad conduct discharge, and possibly dishonorable.


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doing a c.y.a. on how much he needed women, and how they make up the backbone of his support forces, and how he couldn't afford to lose them?

about the only part of this kiss arse feminist run government i have respect for anymore is the military; but, even that part is being contaminated by feminism's never ending whinning about always being a victim and requiring special treatment.

gargle and spit repeatedly general, but it's still going to tastes like a poopsicle.

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The reason for the order in the for the first place was to prevent women from purposely becoming pregnant to avoid being deployed. Which is something that happens regularly. If women wouldn't abuse their preggo privileges then this wouldn't happen in the first place.

Personally I think that women that become pregnant before they are due to be deployed, or; while they are deployed should be given a choice. Get an abortion or get a dishonorable discharge. They made a commitment and it's time to keep that commitment.

Also why punish the man that "gets" the woman pregnant. Men don't 'make' women pregnant; women become pregnant if they choose to have unprotected sex. Why should men be responsible for woman's bodies and the decisions that they make with their bodies? The man has no say regarding whether a woman gets pregnant or remains pregnant. So it doesn't make sense to punish HIM for HER reproductive choices.

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another reason not to punish the man (for the pregnancy) is that the girl could have lied and said she was on the pill. It might make sense to disregard that for paternity/child-support, but getting out of military duty is a different animal; the sceneario itself is entirely different.

btw, if soldiers are having sex out in the field, I think that's already grounds for a bad conduct discharge - perhaps dishonourable. At least, when I was in the navy, it was true of having sex in the on-base (i.e. not in the field) barracks.

(for those who don't know, a bad conduct discharge is still honorable.)


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Why doesn't the military prescribe quick, efficient medical care to cure the pregnancy?

I'm not a veteran but I can't believe that just anyone can avoid deployment by refusing treatment for a medical condition.

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some of us got art. 15's for getting a sunburn while at the beach so severe it required medical attention, or caused you to miss work.

so i guess now it is only the guys who will be required to be always prepared to serve. as usual, women (feminism) has required special privilege. given enough time, it will destroy all it touches, make it ineffective and required to only care about what women want. privilege is a cancer on our society that our founding fathers earnestly warned us about.

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