UK: Judge says wife-beater should be 'paraded in the streets and pelted with rotten vegetables'

Story here. Excerpt:

"A top judge wants men who bash women to be paraded and shamed in public so people can throw rotten vegetables at them.

Judge Esmond Faulks said he wished he could order the medieval punishment while hearing the case of a 17-year-old girl who had been subjected to two nasty assaults by her violent boyfriend.

The victim, Lisa Dinsdale, had been pregnant during the first attack at the hands of Andrew Harrison, 19, but lost the baby at 11 weeks.

Harrison admitted two charges of assault causing harm relating to two beatings, the first on May 18 and the second on August 14.

It was after seeing the pictures of Miss Dinsdale beaten 'black and blue' that Judge Faulks said: 'It's a pity a judge cannot order someone like this to have the pictures hung around his neck saying "I did this to my girlfriend" and be paraded down the high street so people can throw rotten vegetables at him.'"

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... the same thing happens to women who abuse their husbands.

Ball's in your court, m'lord.

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but i was just wondering what medieval punishment
he would suggest for corrupt judges who abandon their
ethics by ignoring the Precepts of Law they are sworn to
uphold, like Equality Before the Law, for one?

some practices used way back when to punish corrupt judges were whipping, branding, mutilation,
imprisonment, and my favorite, flaying the skin off and using it as a seat cover.

wow! those guys really knew how to party.

hey mr. "honorable", you in?

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The judge should consider all the misandrist behavior in the feminist trained judiciary and speak out about that first. Otherwise, his comments smack of a gross hypocrisy, IMO.

Imprison Feminist Gangsters Who Don't Respect Fathers' and Men's Rights

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I always thought that the most humane thing to do was to re-educate those that seem to have certain problems. Our current system is proven to be somewhat inept at dealing with the situation. Why not try to actually re-educate people? Ergo designed stocks, and the community sentences you to however many hours of re-education they feel is necessary. Volunteers from the community come by and tell you why you shouldn't have done what you did, equal time for equal crime. A system made of revolving volunteers needs no special training to decide the truth. We would be much better served if our system was designed to be more humane, and actually tried to help each other. Feeling a little philosophical I guess. Enough hate, at least for a day or two.

David A. DeLong

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The key to ending domestic violence is to FINALLY recognize the other 50% of the victims. Those are MEN! Western culture does not like for men to complain about anything especially about being a victim of DV. It is time, no past time for society to mature and insist that men can be and are victims of domestic violence.

And as for this so-called judge who would like to see law regress to the Middle Ages, it just shows that we have more to fear from the self righteous bigots in black robes than we ever did from self righteous bigots in white ones!

Also, a false rape accusation is rape, not filing a false police report. And the false accuser is a rapist and should be judged and sentenced as such.

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