War Trauma Hits Women Harder Than Men?

Story here.

'Studies of Vietnam and Gulf War veterans have documented post-traumatic stress in females - with higher rates than men, in some cases.
... anxiety - along with depression, irritability and feelings of isolation – also are common symptoms for men with post-traumatic stress, but some mental health experts believe there are distinct pressures for women veterans.
...the VA reports that slightly more than a third of 23,635 women veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan had a preliminary diagnosis of a mental disorder.'

By the way, of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq, females represent 2.13% -- 67 of the 3,141 killed as of today. Of the more than 21,485 wounded, female injuries are 430. Cite here.

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I know I am going to take some sh*t for this but I just want to point out that in 2002 alone there were over 40,000 DEATHS in car accidents in America:


DEATHS, not injuries. I can only imagine the non-fatal injury count.

So we should be concerned with the numbers of persons killed in Iraq and Afghanistan in military service. We should be as concerned for men dying in combat as women. Purely in terms of saving lives, if we could reduce car accident death substantially, we'd be doing a great deal more for humanity.

But why bother reducing car accident deaths? Most of the victims are male, that's why. Cite found here (.pdf file) is just one of many sources.

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"Aneta Urban had a bad back after two tours in Iraq, one in a Marine military police company. She says she hauled as much as 70 pounds of gear."

You need to be able to lift 70 pounds to work for the post office! We lower the physical standards for women in boot camp to facilitate their enlistment, then, wonder why they can't cut the mustard in the field!

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"anxiety - along with depression, irritability and feelings of isolation – also are common symptoms for men with post-traumatic stress, but some mental health experts believe there are distinct pressures for women veterans."

Bottom line, women physically and emotionally cannot handle the stress of war. The power of the US miltary could ultimately be undermined with an increase of female influence and personal. Could you imagine a date rape seminar during boot camp? I also have issues with torture/ prisoners, especially if our soldiers are forced to watch the vagina monologues.


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There is a dilemma here. We men say that female soldiers don't make any use to the military and only create problems. In the same time when politicians come up with the idea of draft reinstatement we say that it's an utter injustice if it's men only who will be liable for the draft.

The talks that women are unfit for the military service mean that today women simply don't need anymore the right to serve in military to prove that they are equal. They already have gained access to much more lucrative and attractive positions in the society and are ready to give up all the hard, dirty and risky jobs to men.

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Doctors Are The 3rd Leading Cause of Death in the US, Causing 225,000 Deaths Every Year ---


(Don't ever get in a car if a doctor is driving!)

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I don't think there's a dilemma because while men are clearly more fit for military service, this doesn't mean they should be forced to fight any more than women should be forced to bear children.
There must be no draft because it's principally unjust and inhuman, not because of factual constraints.

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I am very familiar personally and professionaly with the VA Compensation system. Once a person gets discharged and then later is determined to have a medical problem, obtained during or aggravated by military service, they are granted up to $2393/month tax-free(that figure is for 2006, for a person with no spouse or dependents). Of course now, there will be a large number of new claims due to the increased number of injured veterans..i.e. women. I don't so much care about the increased burden this will cause on taxpayers, because it is just a drop in the bucket..(and yet, Bush is still trying to reduce or eliminate these benefits..after cutting taxes and starting a war. Republican politicians are pro-military, but they don't mind balancing the budget on the backs of this country's veterans).

But when they start granting all these women's claims for PTSD and other disabilities (both physical and mental), it will become politicized, and make a mockery of the system (not that it's currently run all that well). For example, I wouldn't be surprised if it soon becomes a lot easier to qualify for benefits..since..oh my! We have injured women!!


PS: after I posted the above, I went back and looked at the article again:
"the VA reports that slightly more than a third of 23,635 women veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan had a preliminary diagnosis of a mental disorder".

That is a significant number, in terms of the VA's ability to handle claims. And maybe it will not just be a "drop in the bucket" as far as taxes.

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