Brazilian Supreme Court rules in favor of David Goldman in custody case

Story here. Excerpt:

'New Jersey dad David Goldman won a court fight today when the Brazilian Supreme Court ruled that the Brazilian family of his deceased ex-wife must hand over custody of his 9-year-old son.

The court ruled that the boy "be handed over to his father and should be returned to the United States."

It is unclear, however, whether the court's ruling will end the five-year custody battle over Sean Goldman. His Brazilian family has threatened to appeal the court's ruling.

When the ruling is issued, "we will read it carefully and consider the legal remedies available, if needed," Sergio Tostes, a lawyer for the Brazilian family, said in an e-mailed statement while waiting for the court's ruling. "All necessary action will be taken."

The family could take the case to Brazil's top appeals court, but some have doubted whether that court would be willing to review the case if the Supreme Court backs a lower federal court ruling awarding custody to Goldman.'

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then use the crooked legal system to try to keep him.

only reason they are sending him back now is because the
talking heads started talking about cutting off brazil's
u.s. handouts. anybody here think they would have tried to
keep the kid if it was a woman on the other end? or had the gov. already send him back?

crooked lawyer had him, right?

in years past this wouldn't even had made the papers.

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Oh, forgot, the UN is too busy worrying about cutting up the penises of African boys.

I want to say "finally" but I'll wait till the boy's back in his dad's arms.

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