Bossip: Chris Henry's Fiancee Known For Domestic Violence, Has Drinking Problem

Story here. Excerpt:

'Cincinnati Bengals Wide receiver, Chris Henry, is no stranger to trouble. He has been arrested several times and suspended from the NFL since he was drafted in 2005. In an effort to get his life back in order, Henry attempted to turn a new cheek, but his life at home was not that great.

A source close to the situation has exclusively told Bossip that Henry’s fiancée, Loleini Tonga has a history of domestic violence and a severe drinking problem. The source states, “I knew the next time Chris would get in trouble it would be because of that girl. She drinks all the time, they get into fights, and she has even bragged about getting into disputes with former boyfriends.”

Chris was injured after falling out the back of Tonga’s pickup truck after a heated argument. He was found on the side of the road with fatal injuries to his head. Currently homicide detectives are looking into the case. Henry and Tonga currently have two children together, and one child a piece from previous relationships.'

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I wonder if SNL's gonna do another skit based on this?

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Note the cute headline.

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Chris Henry also had an alcohol and substance abuse problem and history of domestic violence and assault (on another man - a total stranger because he mistook him for someone else), criminal activity, numerous suspensions for poor conduct. (in the sports world it is one thing to get suspended by the league, but to get suspended by your own team is really bad and humiliating) .

I hear that both he and his girlfriend were trying to turn their lives around. He was a father and a great football player. My condolences to his family.

I am really not sure what this story has to do with men's rights.

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"Chris was injured after falling out the back of Tonga’s pickup truck after a heated argument. He was found on the side of the road with fatal injuries to his head."

responded to by,

"Chris Henry had done all kinds of bad things."

What is your point? How is that even a response?
This board frequently posts stories of DV against men by women - it is an MR issue because it spreads the word that the reverse is not any more common.


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"This board frequently posts stories of DV against men by women...."

So far I have only read that it was a domestic DISPUTE. From my perspective they were both troubled hot-heads that seemed to feed off of each other. Him jumping into the back of a moving truck while she is driving away and then falling out (some reports say he jumped out), does not really seem like her fault.

It was a tragic and senseless end to his life, as I stated, they were both trying to turn their lives around. He recently credited her in another article as being an inspiration for him to change.

Since no domestic violence has been reported in this incident, and his death appears to be the result of his own actions I don't think DV against men is part of the story. (After all she was driving away and he was chasing her)

The only reason I can think of for this story being posted would be to attack her character. And if this forum is going to attack her character flaws, just make sure to remember his character flaws as well.

To me, this is just a tragic story, but has nothing to do with men's rights.

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Thanks, I have always wanted a woman's advice on what does and does not have to do with men's rights. Now I will go to and tell them what not to put on their site.


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Since I have been a member I can recall a few posts from members that were dropping from the group or stated that they don't read the site much because too much irrelevant stuff. So I am not the only one that feels like I have to dredge thru a bunch of crap to get to a real MRA issue.

You may have a different opinion, that's fine, but I wont belittle you with some sarcastic remark. That's too childish for me, and generally what people do when they have nothing intelligent to say.

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That's funny, I've been on the board for almost five years and I can only think of one time when an irrelevant post was made...and it was promptly removed. And, I don't remember anyone else commenting about lack of relevance. How long ago was all that you say suppose to have happened? You are of course free to submit your own stories.

Are you sure this isn't more a matter of you having perceived that us bunch of guys was picking on a poor little woman?

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I have seen people ask "What does this have to do with men's rights?" many times, and I have noticed that the site is not exactly flourishing, and members do drop (Xtrnl is one member I can think of by name ). There was a post a few months ago from a guy that stated that he only stops at this site once in awhile because of too much irrelevancy (I don't think he used that term, but that's what he implied). Everyone has their own opinion as to what is relevant and what is not. That's fine.

...And I have submitted my own articles to this site (anonymously).

My original comment on this thread was my opinion and asked no questions. You on the other hand asked two questions of me, so I answered. You seem to want to start an argument based on your questions and you seem to have a lot of time on your hands to do it.

Starting arguments and filling up the thread with 'back and forths' is contradictory to the movement. Your posts imply that I am irrelevant ("What is your point?" "How is that even a response?") and then you are belittling and sarcastic when I answer. If you didn't want to hear my answer as to why I felt the Chris Henry story was irrelevant, then you shouldn't have asked. (BTW- I am a Chris Henry fan, so I am saddened by his death)

And I have no idea why you phrased your question with: " bunch of guys.... "

As you are the only one responding to my comments on this thread. Take responsibility for your own comments, don't drag others into it.

Go ahead and get the last word in if you think it is necessary....

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"Members do drop (Xtrnl is one member I can think of by name )."

Did he say he dropped because of irrelevancy? A drop in commenters could be attributed to just about anything...for example, as I have seen the men's rights movement become more and more organized and focused, guys may be switching to more 'popular', mainstream boards. Also, just becuase people don't comment here doesn't mean they stop reading the site.

btw I have always wondered, what's wrong with having time on one's hands? People always say that like it's an accusation - what is it supposed to imply, that I'm lazy or something? And even if I was, so what? What does that have to do with this board? It is not a men's rights issue.


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