DNA Clears Yet Another Man From False Rape

Story found here. A man who was convicted of rape in 1992 was released when DNA testing cleared his name. The police labs refused to test him at the time. The woman in charge of the testing apparently has a record of doing this.

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“Fish's work has been challenged in the past, most notably in the cases of four men later cleared by DNA evidence of the 1986 rape and murder of a medical student.”

Sounds like this fish bimbo had a personal vendetta against men in general. She used her position to ensure innocent men were convicted. The article says she no longer works for the police department; they must have gotten wise to her agenda. My bet is that she didn’t face any criminal or civil actions for her despicable behaviors!

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"Prosecutors were reviewing the case and Pendleton's conviction in another rape, said John Gorman, spokesman for State's Attorney Richard Devine."

Poor man, it looks as though he was falsely accused twice!

Unfortunately it looks as though this is a case of mud sticking. The first false conviction landed him a reputation and on the police radar screen which appears to have led to the second charges and subsequent conviction. Mud sticks and this guy looks like a perfect example of what happens when an undeserved badge of sex offender refuses to peel off.

People ARE very susceptible to suggestion and tend to believe what they hear. All it would have taken to convince the "victim" in the second case would have been one detective to let slip that this guy has a history of raping women. Then she would be more then happy to help get him convicted again whether he raped her or not.

In the current climate of demonizing sex offenders multiple false convictions are not only easy to get but likely to occur. I have zero doubt that there are guys who have multiple convictions for sex assaults that have never actually raped anyone simply because of the false perceptions the general public holds and the difficulty of shedding the title sex offender once it has been attached deservedly or not.

Even in deserved cases - where the guy actually did it - the feminist mantras of "incurable" and "once a rapist always a rapist" simply are not true. They do not hold up under even the most casual scrutiny as sex offender have extremely low recidivism rates.

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My bet is that she simply moved to an independent lab and still does consulting work for the police.

Why on Earth would we punish a woman who has made a career out of destroying men's lives with her lies and manipulation of evidence? She's only trying to protect innocent women after all. What's a few innocent men going to prison when 1 in 4 women really are raped and the rapists are getting away with it!

I mean, even a whisper of impropriety will destroy a male teacher's, coach's, doctor's, CEO's etc. career forever. But that's ok, we don't want men to hold any of those positions anyway. The mass exodus of males from teaching careers is a good thing right? Boys should be raised as girls to make a happy world!


That bitch should be barred for life from ever setting foot inside a lad or touching a test tube! Plus she should be charged criminally and all the men who have been convicted as a result of her work should get immediate pardons because we may not be able to find all of the innocent men through new testing as she may have tampered with evidence, or planted evidence, or destroyed evidence.

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According to the 2002 Federal Bureau of Justice Statistics Recidivism Study
, "only 2.5% of released rapists were arrested for another rape" (from page 2; the document is only 2 pages long).Here's a summary of the study

But I am wondering if there is a similar low rate for others types of sex offenses - do you know?

Now as far as the sentence in your other post, maybe it goes a bit too far:
"[Fish] should be charged criminally and all the men who have been convicted as a result of her work should get immediate pardons "
For one thing, there may have been other incriminating evendince in those cases..who knows?


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You're right, maybe some of the guys who were convicted fessed up and the prosecutor used DNA evidence from Fish only to make sure they did a thorough job. The one's that claimed their innocence from day one though, I'd let them out, no strings attached. They've suffered enough - guilty or innocent their life in prison has not likely been pleasant by prison standards. At the absolute least I would have their cases and the evidence reviewed by independent investigators and independent forensic labs.

All categories of sex offenders have lower average recidivism rates then any other type of crime.

For everything you ever wanted to know about sex offenders, sex crimes, and the laws concerning sex offenders (including exactly what they are going to cost tax payers and what they will accomplish) but were afraid to ask, visit:


For direct links to dozens of national and international studies on sex offender recidivism see:


I know many MRA organizations do not like to deal with issues surrounding sex crimes because of the fear of being labeled and marginalized or ignored entirely by the public. But the truth is that they hysteria surrounding sex crimes is based on lies and needs to be debunked.

An eye for an eye eventually leaves the entire world blind.

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I too believe that there has been an unwarranted hysteria surrounding sex crimes, and the so-called predators (whom we all "know" are men). Well some people may not like it, but here's my opinion:

1)There should be NO sex offender registry/database. That is Big Brother. And it is hysteria. And once a man has served his time, he shouldn't be punished forever after (even if he is on probation). It is NOT okay to ostracize a certain group from all of society. People commit crimes, that's life. Should we create an "armed robber" database? Life is full of risks..get used to it. (P.S: ankle bracelets are bullshit too).

2) Habitual pedophiles need treatment. It is not a "waste of tax dollars" to treat them..what kind of heinous thing is that to say? How will we ever develope effective methods of treatment in this area, when the main goal is to get revenge??

3)Rape should not be elevated to anywhere near the special status that it has now attained, as THE most terrible crime, with its attendant "victim's rights groups", special laws, presumption of guilt, etc. Other crimes are worse, for example murder, kidnapping, torture and some cases of felonious assault, and running a drug dealing or prostitution ring.

I'm sure that if any trolls or other feminists are reading this, they are excited to have hit paydirt, and will use what I have written above to make this site look bad. Oh well, that kind of thing is always a possibility. There are always cretins that will take advantage when someone dares to not be P.C.

"A lie can travel half-way around the world, while the truth is putting on its shoes"
--Mark Twain

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Well some people may not like it, but here's my opinion

The people whom you believe may not like your opinions about the sex crime hysteria now sweeping the country are really not worth worrying about, and that is my opinion.

I agree with ever point you made.

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I agree 100%. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if the site administrator deletes this whole discussion (wouldn't be the first time)

Many MRA organizations are so scared to even mention these issues. Rightfully so I guess as the backlash can be swift and deadly from those who do not want the lies exposed. But for the sake of everyone these issues must be re-examined soon because we really went down the wrong road when it comes to issues around sex and the law.

You're right about registries, it's definitely big brother, but it's also big business. Did you know AWA specifies the company that the GPS ankle bracelets must be purchased from? A national act (to be applied in all 50 states) specifies a supplier for the equipment mandated in the act. See: 'Lobby game exposed? Utah firm got language in federal bill to help sell its product' about 2/3 of the way down the page here: http://www.geocities.com/voicism/index-4.html

And that's just the peripheral beneficiaries (that latcher's on if you will), the primary beneficiaries are of course the police, the courts, the victims groups and the psychiatric treatment agencies that work closely with all of the above

I know all of this talk may seem like its veering off topic of the original story that is being discussed here but really it's not because things like what we are discussing now are the reason false convictions happen in the first place. Without the political atmosphere that has been nurtured in the past decade or so, there would be no women like Ms Fish working in police crime labs falsifying evidence to gain a higher conviction rate despite lack of proof.

People (myself included until my eyes got opened by force), simply do not realize how out of hand all of this has gotten. People do not realize the issue of sex offenders has become an all powerful juggernaut that has been used to to strip away mens civil rights.

People wonder why men rarely seek 'professional' help when they have problems, yet they never for one second consider that even when a man does seek help before the problem gets out of hand he risks arrest and prosecution because the professionals are mandated to report to the police when their client is male. Maybe many men want real help and not a prison cell. Maybe getting real help should be an option that is on the table for them instead of being rushed of to prison. Just a thought (is thinking still legal?)

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I would be suprised if admin. censored any of these posts. Im certain this website does not adhere to the propaganda known as political correctness. None of these comments are based on hate, nor are any threatening. These opinions are necessary to change a society infected with misandry.

"But for the sake of everyone these issues must be re-examined soon because we really went down the wrong road when it comes to issues around sex and the law." (paragon)

I agree 100%


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I know not everyone will agree with all my points, and I admit I don't have kids myself (I ain't goin' anywhere NEAR that shit!!). Perhaps there are parents among us who want the registries.

But to get back to the Fish thing, she should at least be punished by losing her license or whatever she has. She should not be allowed to ever work in forensics again, in any capacity. Imagine what the authorities would do in the following scenario: Over a few years or so, a male doctor periodically makes the fraudent claim that his examination of a given woman who says she was raped, revealed that the sex was not forceable (i.e. that it was consensual instead); and that therefore the charges against the rapist would not hold up in court, so they have to free him (or at least reduce the charges)! Can you imagine the hell that would be raised..it would become world news!!!! And I don't want to even speculate about the terrible punishment the doctor would no doubt receive.


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You're right; in fact she was promoted.


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