Feminist: Husbands and fathers are “useless hunks of flesh”

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the latest anti-male screed to pop up on Feministing, one feminist takes an article written by a working wife and mother… and turns it into a man-bashing rant.

On my Twitter feed I came across this article, from a woman explaining why she was late for work. Turns out she is, somehow, the only person responsible for rounding up the kids in the morning:

So where the f*ck is her husband, who presumably sired the kids in question?

Women of the world: it’s time to leave those useless hunks of flesh called “husbands” and “fathers” who feed off your labour while you earn 70 per cent of their wages.

And by the way: don’t forget to leave them custody. Leave your guilt at the door. The kids will work out fine. Your husband will have to make sure of that, just like you would if you were the sucker. Don’t be.

After all, men earn more money. They can look after the kids better. Let them.

Just so you know, this was listed as one of the editor’s favorites on the site for this week. While several commenters condemned this article, there were just as many who applauded it. Apparently, calling men “useless hunks of flesh” is perfectly fine in the feminist world. Can you just imagine the outrage if some male blogger called women nothing but useless hunks of flesh?

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Actually, that sounds like a fine idea. I recall suggesting that very thing about 10 years ago, and being sliced and diced by the feminists on the site because that would be "child abuse". Presumably because children are not safe with their own father, but are with their mother.

I'm with the person who wrote the article. Leave the children with their father (if he is, in fact, proven to be their father), and leave the CS with him also. In fact, woman, just leave.

Feminists can refer to me as a "useless hunk of flesh" if they like - they are entitled to their own silly opinions, and I am entitled to treat those opinions with the contempt they deserve. But if they opine that fathers should have custody of their children, why, I cannot help but agree.

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You angry hateful bitches.

Change your own oil. Fix your own leaky pipes. Haul your own garbage.

Piss off.


Down on your knees, And thank heaven, fasting,
For a good man's love.

Shakespeare, As You Like It III, 5

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...for the idea of leaving the kids with dad - they would certainly be better off than being raised by the kind of woman who would take this crap seriously.

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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Women are useless cunts,err sorry, hunks of flesh. Come and get me!!!!


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I never judge anyone's comments, but that's some powerful stuff!

On a personal note, I happen to like women and think they're very useful.

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I was been facetious in response to the posting

Can you just imagine the outrage if some male blogger called women nothing but useless hunks of flesh?

Geesh. No wonder there will never be any cohesiveness in the mens movement.


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The bottom line is that the orders from Feminist Intelligence Bureau (FIB) is to leave your lump of flesh (husband) and leave the kids, they'll be fine.

I have to applaud their decision. Now we should partner with them to change the default parental custody to be men.

Oh, I guess some in their party are not happy, they have some strange attachment to their offspring.

I suppose some additional conditioning is required for those that don't tow FIB's line.

I see that as a woman's issue, keep up the good work ladies as the final training to get your peeps to turn against their kids needs to be beefed up. I think it's working well for male children, not a word from your posse regarding how poorly boys are doing these days, you got that done. Now it must be their female children they seem attached to. Well, just tell them about all the Mojito's they can drink after work if those little brats are out of their hair.


Guys, this is exactly how my ex thought and exactly what she said in court and exactly why I won.

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