'Women-only program' implemented to fight veteran homelessness

Story here. Excerpt:

'Ortiz is one of the new faces among America's homeless veterans. They're younger than homeless male veterans and more likely to bring children. Their number has doubled in the past decade, and there are an estimated 6,500 homeless female veterans on any given night - about 5 percent of the total homeless veterans population.

But women-only programs such as the one Ortiz participates in are few. "It is always hard to find a place or resources or help when you are homeless," said Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash, a member of the Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee. "It is almost impossible if you are a woman. Most of the VA facilities cater to men, and you can't take a mom with two little kids and put her in the middle of a homeless center with 30 or 40 male veterans."
Administrators had worked with male veterans for years and assumed the same types of programs worked for women. They quickly learned when they opened the women's program in 2001 that the women's issues were more complex and required longer treatment.'

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If male and female soldiers can fight and get traumatized together, why can't they get better together?

Oh yeah, that's because one group ought to get more sympathy and material and emotional support than the other. Separately, too, so the male soldiers don't accidentally get "too much" material and other kinds of support and assistance. Add women-only vet counseling services to the list of women-only things popping up all around you.

It will have to get much, much worse before it gets better. Studying history as I have done, I have concluded that for men to arise and resist much less revolt, their suffering must reach unbearable proportions. Once it does, however, there is no going back. Just read the Declaration of Independence then the rest of everything following it. Back to the beginning we go, round and round.

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It appears the freedom and liberty parts of history do not repeat themselves as readily as the tyranny and human rights abuses of men.

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Men need to stop fighting and dying for countries that hate them. All men in the military should resign.

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"Men need to stop fighting and dying for countries that hate them. All men in the military should resign."

I suspect we'd see the male only draft reinstituted in a hurry if that were ever a reality. They might even go so far as to draft women, but for NON-front-line-ground-combat roles as the rules now stipulate. Would women's legal groups file suit under a Title IX like complaint, when women are not represented equally in all areas of our government's military? Of course not, their hypocrisy does not allow them to be that equitable or fair. Besides, their lie that men start all the wars, and violence is by men would be severely undermined as well.

Why send so many men to combat, then blame only men for violence

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deleted (posted in wrong thread)

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... will soon be on the receiving end of 95% of the funding and services that are available to homeless veterans. "...more complex and required longer treatment" means more funds and more services.

Like Matt said, the male homeless vets will get to die in the street, or if they really want a roof over their head and three meals a day, well there's always prison...

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Homeless females actually have a very simple treatment for their predicament: leech off a man who will surely take them in. Males aren't so lucky. Women's issues are not "more complex".


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