Mona Charen: 'Civil Rights Commission Blunders Again'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights (yes, it’s still around and, yes, it’s outlived its usefulness) is about to subtract from national wisdom about college admissions by focusing on exactly the wrong problem.

The commission has undertaken an inquiry to determine whether colleges may be discriminating against female applicants. The question turns on whether admissions officers, in an attempt to maintain rough gender parity on campuses, are putting a thumb on the scale in favor of underrepresented male applicants, thus disadvantaging the more qualified females.
So we seem to have a problem here. For every 100 women who earn a college degree, only 73 men do. These statistics practically shout “boy crisis.” Yet the Commission on Civil Rights apparently sees the problem as one of discrimination.
Christina Hoff Sommers argued nearly a decade ago in The War Against Boys that in our zeal to remedy past discrimination against girls, we had managed to pathologize normal male behavior. The schools in particular, she wrote, discouraged male strengths such as competition and drive in favor of female strengths such as cooperation and detail work.'

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I wanted to do a feminization of education article today so I cited this one.

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