Letter to the editor: 'Misandry ignored'

Letter here.

'Editor: I saw a Girl Power T-shirt at Backdoor Disc and Tape in Cotati that showed a woman beating a man. When I asked the male clerks if they would sell a T-shirt that celebrated a man beating a woman, they looked at me like I was crazy.

The root of this double standard is misandry, the sexist counterpart of misogyny. Because we live in a gynocentric society, misogyny is considered unacceptable and closely monitored.

Even though misandry is visible to anyone, it is not visible to most as a problem. Misandry is usually excused (“Men are jerks”), trivialized (“Take it like a man”) or rationalized (“He had it coming”). The latter is apparent in “Saturday Night Live” sketches and cartoons making a joke of Tiger Woods allegedly being assaulted by his wife.

According to a survey by the Justice Department, 41 percent of Americans find it “less severe when a wife stabs her husband to death than they do when a husband stabs his wife to death.” This double standard also applies to non-lethal forms of violence. Men as the “bad guy” has become so commonly accepted that this inequity is virtually unrecognizable, even to men. As such, most people still assume that only women need to fear domestic violence, while the Justice Department statistics tell a very different story.'

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This guy Joe Manthey, has earned my respect for speaking up.


Down on your knees, And thank heaven, fasting,
For a good man's love.

Shakespeare, As You Like It III, 5

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Our side seems to be winning in the article's comment section.


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JimT A female student showed up at the university dining center where I work wearing a T-shirt that said "Men Are Stupid". We had just taken harassment training so I knew gender was a protected class. I contacted human resources and asked what to do. The answer I got was, "Do nothing! This is a freedom of speech issue." I wonder what they would have said if the gender had been reversed

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After encountering misandrist double standards at the college I go to, I made a button that said, "Your College IS SEXIST AND HATEFUL AGAINST MEN." I wore it to class and around campus and when asked about it, I explained it to the PC dullards. I even wore it to a Dean's Reception for honor students. I've worn a number of other buttons like that. Yep, I was exercising my academic freedom and freedom of speech.

What are some other buttons?



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JimT, you should have know better. Any time the word "protected class" is used, it means everyone but white heterosexual males. And "gender" is code for "women".


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