Feministing: 'A Long Way To Go: My frustrations with the pro-feminist men's movement'

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'Last month, I attended a conference at the College of Saint Benedict/Saint John's University in St. Joseph, Minnesota which was billed as the "First National Conference For Campus Based Men's Gender Equality and Anti-Violence Groups". Initially excited to be around pro-feminist allies who were willing to engage in tough discussion about issues related to masculinity and men's violence against women, I left feeling disheartened rather than refreshed and revitalized. The reason being that several of the conference's most outspoken attendees treaded anti-feminist ground by suggesting the conversation about men's violence needs to be de-gendered, and that instead we use neutral language to talk about violence as a whole. Most anyone who has written on the subject of gender-based violence prevention notes that hegemonic masculinity and male socialization needs to be addressed as one of the core causes of men's violence against women. Additionally, many people had qualms with the phrase "men's violence against women". One panel presenter stated outright that women need to "learn to listen to men" and sadly opined that it was "like the oppressed don't want to listen to their oppressors". When this happened, I felt unsafe in a place I was supposed to feel comfortable in - as these were men who were supposed to be different from the anti-feminist, sexist men I interacted with on a daily basis. But here they were, reitirating the same tired talking points we were trying to dismiss. Needless to say, I (and others, both male and female) called this presenter out and lambasted him and the other men stating anti-feminist viewpoints.'

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... they are on the wrong side of the argument. Hmmm?

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"...I felt unsafe in a place I was supposed to feel comfortable in - as these were men who were supposed to be different from the anti-feminist..."

Charge of Endangerment (Code Orange) – The Elevated Threat Charge

Response: It may be constructive to point out that only bigots and tyrants are afraid of having the truth expressed to them. One may also ask why some women think they can handle leadership roles if they are so threatened by a man’s legitimate freedom of expression.

But we knew this already, right?


Down on your knees, And thank heaven, fasting,
For a good man's love.

Shakespeare, As You Like It III, 5

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Unless these Men commit suicide and kill each other Feminist Attention Whores like this Beotch will never be satisfied. Unless the Men castrate themselves it will not make them happy. She should be happy she is not around me. I told one Feminist I think she is only good for Feeding the Crocs. And even then they would have to eat to get the foul taste out of their mouth of eating excrement.

Love it another FemHag Whore is whining about Male Feminists not being condescending enough. She can eat Excrement and die for all I care. She is irrelevant. Jessica Valenti railed about the Patriarchy and then the Whore got Married to some Loser Mangina. No doubt when she gets bored she will Divorce him. I would tell her she isn't good enough to spank naked. And that I find her repellent.

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"Most anyone who has written on the subject of gender-based violence prevention notes that hegemonic masculinity and male socialization needs to be addressed as one of the core causes of men's violence against women."

It's asinine lies like that, that make Sociology, Psychology and other Liberal Arts/Humanities "disciplines" nothing more than pseudo-sciences and hate movements. Given the level of hate and violence being committed against men by gender feminist ideologues alone, any hypocrite espousing gender feminist (misandrist) hate speech should look in a mirror when spewing his/her propaganda to see the true evil.

Gender feminists are trained by misandrist bigots to be misandrist bigots.

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"I felt unsafe in a place I was supposed to feel comfortable in"

Oh no, someone is feeling "unsafe"! Quick, call out the National Guard, alert the UN and phone Homeland Security! Wouldn't it be great if all the rest of the world had to worry about was "feeling unsafe"? What a whiny fool this man is.
Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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Social Science and all it's "studies" and "research" is the main source for feminists to peddle their lies and fantasist theories about men and society. Social Science "research" is regualry used to amend and develop legislation on how society is governed. There should be a resource of some kind set up that monitors and debunks biased social science crap. There needs to be some fightback against feminist academia.

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She was mad because she expected to be treated like a princess, and wasn't. In a sense, that's no different than most other women.


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