Letter to the editor: 'Women shouldn't have to "prepare" for abuse'

Letter here.

'In the editorial "Work to end domestic violence must carry on 20 years later" (Dec. 8), the author writes "if young women are not aware of the prevalence of domestic violence, how do they prepare themselves for it?"

No young woman should have to "prepare" for abuse -- rather, the roots of violence against women need to be exposed through school curriculum for boys and girls that addresses sexism and healthy relationships.

The author wonders if the lessons from 20 years ago at L'Ecole Polytechnique have been learned -- if Harper's pending closure of most Status of Women Canada offices across the country is any indication, the answer is a resounding "no."

Any effective strategy to curb violence against women in our society would require that the government shift its focus from criminalizing offenders to funding feminist organizations to do research, public education and advocacy to address the systemic roots of women's inequality.

Women don't need to "prepare for violence" -- they need governments who respond to the violent realities in their lives, including the pervasiveness of sexism, poverty, the lack of universal childcare, racism, and the legacy of colonialism that continues to impact Aboriginal communities.'

Ed. note: emphasis in text added.

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Assuming for just one second that feminist claims of DV were true (ie, always M2F, no other scenario), how exactly would funding RESEARCH stop it? According to feminists it is inherent in male nature to use violence and in particular to use it on women. Thus any heterosexual coupling is M2F DV waiting to happen, and may in fact constitute it ipso facto.

If the goal is to eliminate DV as defined thusly, then a much-better use of tax dollars would be to to make sure it is illegal for heterosexual couplings to exist, period. In effect, by feminist thinking (so-called), separatism is the ONLY goal to pursue and it must be enforced by women who now would be the exclusive owners of weapons trained outward from their secured places (or inward, I should say, into the places secured by these women as "reservations" for men).

That would do it.

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If women want to be free from violence, then they should stop perpetrating it. Yes, that would make a big dent in their big problem. It's obvious from the way they're lying and battering men in their misandrist pronouncements, that they're greatly in need of some serious introspection. Men have to prepare for abuse every time a gender feminist opens her lying abusive mouth.

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