'Tigress' Uchitel hires Gloria Allred against Woods

Story here. Excerpt:

'She began her career challenging the Boy Scouts of America to admit a girl for the first time and won. She has challenged all-male clubs, fought for gay rights and been voted America's "most effective lawyer".

Now Gloria Allred [link added], the advocate representing one of Tiger Woods's alleged lovers, Rachel Uchitel, and another unnamed mistress, is back again in front of the cameras where she likes to be. A prospect not likely to bring the disgraced golfer any comfort.

Allred's appearance in the Woods saga has set up a new dynamic in an already febrile story, pitting, as it does, the world's most successful sportsman against one of America's most aggressive, successful and media-savvy "sharks".

Among her critics, Arianna Huffington has described Allred as the "most disturbing symbol" of what has gone wrong with the US legal system. But Allred's own self-image is of a feminist, campaigning lawyer – champion of the weak against the strong.'

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I wonder what the suit will be about? I know: Money. As they say, marriage is about love but divorce is about money. But in this case, one need not even be married, as long as the guy is rich.

After they are done with him, Woods will not have shirt on his back. His life is over. You know, if I were him, and maybe I shouldn't say this, I'd skedaddle. I was thinking the best thing he can do right now is spirit away as much cash as he can to foreign accounts and grease palms well enough to get into someplace like Thailand, then undergo gender reassignment surgery. He would need to bribe a lot of people but he could do it. He could pass as a Thai woman, no problem. The only rest he shall see and chance he has of living life with some semblance of decency after this is to become utterly unrecognizable, to indeed disappear entirely from the ebb and flow of human history and assume an identity utterly opposite of what he is now. Hell if he could I'd suggest he assume the form of a non-human mammal just be safe.

For should a man of such means and high profile make the mistake of being unfaithful to his wife and especially to such a degree, this indeed is his last recourse. I wonder what if anything he would be facing he were already a she? Perhaps he should have pursued this secret-sex-change option before becoming rich and famous if at the same time he knew he could never be faithful to Elin, or maybe better yet, never have married. What a mistake for a man to not know himself and worse yet, not know how deep nymphotropism runs, especially prior to "I do."

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She's looking to swarm in and pick the bones from Tiger's fortune. It shouldn't be too difficult considering divorce courts epitomizes misandry.

Tiger, please tell me you have a prenuptial agreement!

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until you got to the sex change part. she sounds like the greedy kind that probably won't let him see "her" kids unless it pleases her. see what making a mistake, following the one where you said i do, will get you? total destruction. no wonder so many divorced/divorcing men commit suicide. she can have another man's baby and they will make hubby pay for it, but let the man screw up....and there is hell to pay. fairness isn't a part of the law, if it ever was.

this tiger victim bich was always about the $$$. hiring this mangy feminist bich lawyer proves it beyond any doubt. she is NOT about the children. hurting tiger hurts his kids.
grown ups know things like that.

signing a pre-nup does not make a marriage any better either. that takes 2 people on equal footing in the marriage, and in the divorce. that means being fair and truthful. i've said it before on this board, a pre-nup isn't worth the paper it's written on. any excuse is a good one when it comes to helping a woman fleece a man. tiger probably had 90% of his wealth long before meeting her. he will be lucky if his child support payments aren't enough to keep the kid in style on a moon base, with an initial settlement and alimony that will be mind boggling. poor thang. my mom even said she wishes mrs tiger would get everything he has.

feminism really is like a disease. it destroys all it touches. evil always does.

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