UK: Widow Says Husband Driven to Heart Attack after False Accusation

Story here. Excerpt:

'We’ve all heard about false accusations of sexual criminality, incidents such as the 2006 Duke University rape frame-up case. They are a form of psychological molestation and can destroy a person’s life just as being physically molested can. Well, now such an accusation might have ended a man’s life.

The hapless victim, 63-year-old British citizen Bryan Davies, died of a massive heart attack last Friday after months of community harassment resulting from a false accusation of pedophilia. And what was the reason for the accusation?

Two girls leveled it after the man and his wife, Debbie Davies, 43, refused to allow a “sleepover” at their home or the girls to walk their dog.

The Daily Mail reports on the story, writing, “Mrs Davies said her husband had fought in vain to clear his name after two schoolgirls falsely accused him in [sic] indecently touching them in the summer.” And it didn’t help Mr. Davies that the police had dismissed the girls’ story after an investigation. It didn’t help when, reports the Mail, “Police in Accrington, Lancashire, even went as far as handing out leaflets to locals in the neighbourhood to officially state the allegations as ‘false and without any foundation whatsoever’.” No, despite this, the couple suffered continual harassment.'

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These people are a bunch of thugs, I say round 'em up, lock them in a basement and let them rot.


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I went through a similar situation, and like this poor man, I beat the charges and they were patently false fantasies concocted in a very sick young woman's mind, and to this day there are still people who harass me.

Once accused in this day and age there is no way to ever remove the doubt that lingers in peoples minds about you.

Society will hound you for the rest of your life.

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