Roseanne Barr: Palin Is "Slave To Right-Wing Men"

A 24/7 news cycle has people doing almost anything to get attention, including saying the sorts of things that would never get into print or aired. Because MSM outlets are competing ferociously for the last vestiges of scarce and scarcely-profitable market-share, they are actually "reporting" such things, too. That is the only explanation I can think of for this.

Those involved are known quantities. Nothing herein should come as a surprise, aside from the level of stupidity some have sunk to along with the depths of self-degradation required to behave in ways so offensive and bizarre, possibly in the hopes that their infantile attempts to gain attention will be attributed merely to a relapse of insanity or, more benignly, holiday stress. Excerpt:

'Friday's Joy Behar Show on CNN Headline News showed a pre-recorded interview with Roseanne Barr [link added] in which Barr opined that, although Sarah Palin is "likable," the "stuff she says is half nuts," and she's "half crazy and out of her mind." Barr -- who herself has a recent history of doing such bizarre things as appearing in Heeb magazine dressed as Adolf Hitler removing Jewish gingerbread cookies from an oven -- went on to declare that Palin is "like a slave to these, you know, right-wing men. That's like the only way a right-wing woman can make it."

Barr soon added: "The only way a woman can make it in the right wing, or the conservative, whatever the hell you want to call it, Republican, is to be against all other women. And that is what she does."

Ironically, just moments later as she and Behar expressed disapproval at the man who recently threw tomatoes at Palin, Barr was critical of liberals who have treated the former Alaska governor "badly because she's female," calling it "disgusting." Barr: "I don't like where she is treated like badly because she's female. I think that's so wrong, and I think the left and the liberals are disgusting to do that."'

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I saw the Rosanne interview. Her comment was typical, as most feminist believe that non-feminist women are being 'controlled' by men. I am surprised she didn't mention the 'low self esteem' that we all must have.

BTW- I hate that show, but sometimes I watch bits and pieces when I am channel surfing. Joy belittles women that choose to stay home and raise their own kids and has a snobbish attitude towards men. She has a slight insulting way of implying men are imbeciles.

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Where are Palin's "chains" if she's a "slave to right wing men?" Palin's book title, "Going Rogue," hardly sounds like the title of a book a slave would write. I'm no fan of Palin's, given her acquiescence to gender feminist doctrines in her campaign, but I dislike Barr's slam on any group of American men as slave-masters of a woman even more.

Where are all the slave-master men forcing Palin to take her book tour all over the U.S.? Who's raking in millions from sales of "Going Rogue" - to mostly conservative women? Given all the choices Palin and her customers are making, it all seems pretty "free-to-choose" to me (whether I agree with them or not).

Apparently some women don't believe in other women's right to choose, or the choices they make, if it isn't lock step with their own narrow viewpoints.

The biggest "slavery" I see women under in America today is the gross stupidity coming out of taxpayer funded, women's studies programs, enslaving women to the bigotry of gender feminist propaganda - the only viewpoint presented in those classrooms.

And as far as who's a slave-master, women have been the majority of the electorate for some time now, getting politicians to follow their orders, or get voted out of office. It is the height of hypocrisy, in my opinion, to have the power to elect whomever you chose, opt out of running for office (as many women do), then blame men who get elected for women's problems.

We wouldn't be seeing so many men's lives destroyed everyday on the news if American males had true equality with females in America, instead of 2nd class citizen, male slave status. Let's be very clear about who the real "slaves" are in America today, it's overwhelmingly males. The statistics showing men's disposability is more than proof, IMO.

Male Disposability

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Anyone like to compare Palin's slavery to right wing men with any other politician's slavery to feminist womyn?


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Barr is, and always has been, a clown and an idiot. Does anyone take her seriously?

Case closed.


Like0 Dislike0 that Palin is only half crazy, whereas the fat, dimwitted has-been is at least three quarters crazy.

And what the hell is it with all the instances of "you know" and "like"? Shes an old woman for gods sake, not a 15 year old Valley girl!

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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