Obama Pushes New Stimulus Package Focusing On 'Shovel Ready' Jobs

Article here. Sounds good until feminist groups cry sexism and have the funds re-directed towards female dominated fields which have actually prospered through the current recession. Excerpt:

'President Barack Obama pressed forward with an expansion of his $787 billion stimulus plan Tuesday, unveiling job-creation proposals that largely build on the initial package, including a hiring tax credit that his own party jettisoned as unworkable and some business owners deemed ineffective.
New infrastructure spending envisioned by Mr. Obama would include funds for roads, bridges, airports and water systems, even though tens of billions of dollars from the original stimulus plan remain in the pipeline. White House economist Jared Bernstein said worthy projects not deemed "shovel ready" in the initial funding applications now will see money, implying that federal stimulus spending could stretch well beyond 2010.'

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Like all politicians, what matters is not what this man says but what he does, and in his case even if he means it we all know that at the slightest excuse he'll screw men over - again.

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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"...roads, bridges, airports and water systems,"

The first three are all absolutely necessary for women to be able to get to their misandrist protests and women's industry's meetings. It is outrageous that all those male road workers make women slow down so men can do their work more safely. Of course, water is necessary for hotel rooms. After a long day of complaining about Patriarchal privileges a hot bubble bath is absolutely necessary to relieve the stress.

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The mental image of Obama and his cronies actually knowing what a shovel is is intriguing.

Biden may know what a shovel is because his dominatrix sister probably hit him up beside the head with one during their youth.

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